Death KnightCommon Death Knight Cards Great Toysnatching Geist 115 Assimilating Blight 112 Frost Strike 105 Snoozin' Zookeeper 104 Army of the Dead 102 Corpsicle 102 Dreadhound Handler 101 Origami Frog 99 Mother Duck New 98 Harbinger of Winter 96 Malignant Horror 95 Remorseless Winter 95 Necrotic...
Death KnightCommon Death Knight Cards Great Toysnatching Geist 115 Assimilating Blight 112 Frost Strike 105 Snoozin' Zookeeper 104 Army of the Dead 102 Corpsicle 102 Dreadhound Handler 101 Origami Frog 99 Mother Duck New 98 Harbinger of Winter 96 Malignant Horror 95 Remorseless Winter 95 Necrotic...
Our Hearthstone Arena Tier List will be ranking the best characters inBlizzard’sphenomenal deck-building game, Hearthstone. If you haven’t heard of Hearthstone yet, then we don’t know which rock you have been living under for all these years. Because, for your information, this magnificen...
Our Hearthstone Arena Tier List will be ranking the best characters inBlizzard’sphenomenal deck-building game, Hearthstone. If you haven’t heard of Hearthstone yet, then we don’t know which rock you have been living under for all these years. Because, for your information, this magnificen...
The Voyage to The Sunken City Arena experience in Hearthstone saw the rise of new classes with the introduction of many powerful cards from the new set. Standard nerfs and a set of micro-adjustments slightly tipped the scales since then, giving us a good idea of the balance of power in ...
TheVoyage to The Sunken CityArena experience inHearthstonesaw the rise of new classes with the introduction of many powerful cards from the new set. Standard nerfs and a set of micro-adjustments slightly tipped the scales since then, giving us a good idea of the balance of power in the new...
Arena Tier Lists Last updatedonMar 18, 2017at01:26byKat32 comments We have an Arena drafting spreadsheet for each of the 9 classes in Hearthstone. The goal of these spreadsheets is to enable players to always make the correct choice of cards while drafting an Arena deck. This is done by...
Hearthstone Battlegrounds contains many special minions that are not present in Constructed or Arena play. For a detailed break down of all of these cards, and strategies on how to use them, please refer to our Special Minions page.
What Is HearthArena?If you’re not familiar with HearthArena, its functionality is very simple and non-intrusive. In short, it takes the tier list right into your Arena game. When you use it, you’ll get in-game tier list recommendations, which come in handy when you’re drafting an ...
and it’s nice to see her still going strong.Merpsmade it in at rank 90, with 6.54 average wins. He andadwctawork together to create arena tier lists. (They previously worked on HearthArena, and now have their own project:Lightforge.) Hafu and Merps also collaborated on an EU account...