Get HEARTGARD Plus Chews Two Paragraphs New Look. Same Real-Beef Chew Dogs Love1 Our packaging may have changed, but we’re still the same delicious, real-beef chew that’s #1 dog preferred.*2Continue giving your dog HEARTGARD Plus chews with confidence to prevent heartworm disease, as well...
通用名称:伊维菌素双羟萘酸噻嘧啶咀嚼片 商品名称:犬心保(Heartgard®Plus) 英文名称:Ivermectin and Pyrantel Pamoate Chewable Tablets 汉语拼音:Yiweijunsu Shuangqiangnaisuan Saimiding Jujuepian 【主要成分】伊维菌素、双羟萘酸噻嘧啶 【性状】本品为红至红褐色,略带黄色咀嚼片。 【药理作用】抗蠕虫药。伊...
How do HEARTGARD® Plus (ivermectin/ pyrantel) chewables work? How long does a dose of HEARTGARD® Plus last & how often should I treat my dog? Does HEARTGARD® Plus need to be used all year even when it is cold outside? Is there a weight or age requirement to give my dog HEA...
Heartgard Plus Chewables are for dogs only. Heartgard Plus Chewables should not be swallowed whole. Chewables may be broken and fed to dogs as pieces, or crumbled and mixed with food. Watch dog closely following dosing to be sure the entire dose has been swallowed. If it is not completely...
Buy Heartgard Plus Chewables For Dogs 51-100 lbs Brown at Petsmart
Heartgard Plus Chew for Dogs, 51-100 lbs, (Brown Box), 1 Chew (1-mo. supply) Rated 4.8582 out of 5 stars 8534Reviews Prescription Item NexGard Chewables for Dogs, 24.1-60 lbs, (Purple Box), 1 Chewable Tablet (1-mo. supply)
Heartgard Plus chewables and Interceptor Plus chewa- ble tablets were obtained from a commercial supplier and were administered according to their approved commer- cial dosing instructions, which resulted in dogs treated with Heartgard Plus receiving from 6.5 to 11.5 µg/kg ivermectin and ...
Heartgard Plus chewables and Interceptor Plus chewa- ble tablets were obtained from a commercial supplier and were administered according to their approved commer- cial dosing instructions, which resulted in dogs treated with Heartgard Plus receiving from 6.5 to 11.5 µg/kg ivermectin and ...
Remove only one chewable at a time from the foil-backed blister card. Return the card with the remaining chewables to its box to protect the product from light. Because most dogs find Heartgard Plus palatable, the product can be offered to the dog by hand. Alternatively, it may be added...
Heartgard Plus preparations combine ivermectin with another active ingredient, pyrantel, to increase the spectrum of targeted parasites to include hookworms and roundworms. These worms can cause problems in dogs, but more of a concern is that they can be transmitted to humans as their eggs enter ...