Q.Whatisconsideredaslowheartbeat?I am a 30yearoldwomanandIwentforaroutinecheckupat myDoctor's.Hecheckedmypulseanditwas52beatsperminute.Isthisconsideredslow?Allmyfamilymembershaveafasterbeatof65-90beatsperminute.If it isslow,is itbad? A.Iftheheartbeatistooslow,usuallyconsideredaratebelow60beatsami...
This is, after all, where the normal fetal heart rate commonly lies. As far as using predictor tests go, this one's a pretty harmless one to try and reasonably convenient as well. Each time you go to your maternity care provider for an ante-natal check, they will listen to your ...
Do Sjik is everything a normal ML would be in normal circumstances. Howeveer, the poor guy has no chance because nothing in his life is normal. Also, no matter how good he is, the woman at the end might not want him no matter what. It happens all the time. Afterall, there is...