Tune in and hear FULL GoGo SHOWS; many of which you’ve never heard before. We give a special thank you to OldSchoolGoGo.com for making their massive collection available to supplement what I’ve collected over the years. Enough talk! Tune in and Just Keep Crankin y’all!! Peace! GoGo...
Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals represent the electrical activity of the human hearts and consist of several waveforms (P, QRS, and T). The duration and shape of each waveform and the distances between different peaks are used to diagnose heart diseases.
The somatic marker hypothesis proposes that the cortical representation of visceral signals is a crucial component of emotional processing. No previous study has investigated the information flow among brain regions that process visceral information duri
By tailoring the video magnification algorithm to the MRI videos, the brain's motion can be amplified to a more visible scale. "You can sometimes capture the whole head 'nodding' in the scanner due to the force of the blood pumping into the brain every time the heart beats," says ...
Back in 2000 I took part in an EU Sponsored event on Crypto and security. We were discussing some of the issues with how an insider might attack a bank by pretending to be an external attacker. The subject of Bio-metrics of “life signs” came up such as heartbeats and brainwaves, and...
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) {{#rendered}}{{/rendered}} UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Collusion is a behavior and there could be ample proof of that kind of behavior in Mueller's full findings. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This could set up a political battle with this perception that President Trump is trying to shie...
You have full access to this open access chapter, Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment of Video Games Using Biofeedback Biofeedback Board game Heart rate monitoring Tangible interfaces Soft circuits 1Introduction Biofeedback games are games, in which players use their bio-signals to alter dynamics in the game...
the valence dimension. Our findings validate the use of Immersive Virtual Environments to elicit and automatically recognize different emotional states from neural and cardiac dynamics; this development could have novel applications in fields as diverse as Architecture, Health, Education and Videogames....