Briss's relationship with Tiyana Natiya may have been a short one, and yet it is unknown whether either feel any romantic feelings for each other. She is heavy with his child. After their reunion in Trinity Gask during which Briss learned that Tiyana would be giving birth to their baby, ...
MORE TAROT:Will you have the love life of your dreams in 2024? Scorpio: Six of Swords Reversed Hang in there, Scorpio. Current circumstances are getting to the point where you might want to throw in the towel, give up, and get out of there, but it’s not quite that time yet. If ...
MORE TAROT:What romantic rendezvous lie ahead? Scorpio: Three of Cups Prioritize your friendships, Scorpio. When was the last time you had a solid hang with the people you hold dearest? Whether it’s planning a friend date or having a FaceTime call with a pal who lives far away, make ...
About once a year, when I’m particularly stuck, depressed or just want to run away, I will do a random Hoyle deck draw of three cards and then do a tarot interpretation using: hearts : cups diamonds : pentacles clubs : wands spades : swords So I had drawn the Queen of Cups, who ...
Heart of the Moon is interested in anything that has to do with an inner transformation. There's two different sources of information. Our subconscious and the outside world, both are equal. Those energies are represented in the Tarot as the Hermit Card which is our subconscious or inner lig...