1098-3511 HEART SURG FORUM 外科 医学 注:2010新增部分期刊未列入,目录分类来源于中国科学院,参考“期刊印证报告”(JCR),所收集信息仅供科学研究使用。 JCR 影响因子(Impact factor), 5年期影响因子, 即年指数(Immediacy Index), 论文数量, 半衰期, 特征因子(Eigenfactor), 论文影响分值 [...
Heart Surg Forum. 2021;24(4):E741-E7E5 PubMed PMID: 34473026. Epub 2021/09/03. Eng. 4. Jayakumar S, Khoynezhad A, Jahangiri M. Surgical site infections in car‑ diac surgery. Crit Care Clin. 2020;36(4):581–92 PubMed PMID: 32892815. Epub 2020/09/08. Eng. 5. Figuerola-...
Self-management is regarded as a crucial factor influencing the effectiveness of home-based cardiac rehabilitation for patients with coronary heart disease. In nursing practice, nurses employ a variety of strategies to enhance self-management of patients. However, there exists a disparity in nurses’ ...
Heart Surg Forum, 16 (2013), pp. e118-e124 Google Scholar 47 D. Zhang, S. Lyu, X. Song, et al. Coronary artery bypass grafting versus percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction: a meta-analysis Angiology, 68 (2017), pp. 19-28 CrossrefView ...
Cardiac xenotransplantation (CXTx) might be a promising approach to bridge the gap between the supply and demand of a donor heart. The survival of cardiac
The adult heart is a vital and highly specialized organ of the human body, with limited capability of self-repair and regeneration in case of injury or disease. Engineering biomimetic cardiac tissue to regenerate the heart has been an ambition in the fie
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Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) has expanded its role in the diagnosis and management of congenital heart disease (CHD) and acquired heart disease in pediatric patients. Ongoing technological advancements in both data acquisition and data present
Pharmacological drugs can have significant impact on the ANS or the electrical conduction system of the heart and thus should be considered when assessing and evaluating HR and HRV. Due to the large number of possible pharmacological interactions, the groups of beta blockers, acetylcholinesterase inhib...
Faler BJ et al (2006) Transforming growth factor-beta and wound healing. Perspect Vasc Surg Endovasc Ther 18(1):55–62 PubMedGoogle Scholar Fava RA et al (1991) Transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) induced neutrophil recruitment to synovial tissues: implications for TGF-beta-driven...