Stents: A stent is a small, sieved, coil-like metallic tube or scaffold mounted over a balloon. The balloon is inflated at the blockage, which expands the stent. The balloon is then withdrawn, but the stent stays in place, keeping the artery from narrowing again. Like arteries treated with...
Antonio Colombo and Pier Pasquale Leone from the Humanitas University in Milan, Italy note that PCI has long been conceived as the optimal stent implantation since the introduction of the first stents and even more so wi...
Some patient's coronary arteries are not good candidates for angioplasty and/or stents. Such patients may benefit from another treatment technique termed bypass surgery. Bypass surgery occurs when a surgeon removes a blood vessel from one part of the body (chest, legs, or arms) and uses it to...
The PCI procedure information included the coronary lesion site, number of coronary lesions, and number of stents. The units of FBG and TG were first converted from mmol/L to mg/dL, and the TyG index was calculated as ln [TG (mg/dl) × glucose (mg/dl)/2]. Diabetes was defined as ...
Heart attacks require urgent treatment with stents (called percutaneous coronary intervention or PCI) to open the blocked artery and restore the flow of oxygen-carrying blood. Delays, and the resulting lack of oxygen, lead to irreversible damage to the heart muscle and can cause heart failure or...
When someone comes in for a new heart stent, it's critical that the medical team doing the procedure knows several key facts about previous stents the patient has had. Ad But fewer than half of patients receiving a stent were still carrying the stent card that has those details with them,...
applied sciences Review Stents in Congenital Heart Disease: State of the Art and Future Scenarios Alma Brambilla 1 , Giancarlo Pennati 2,*, Lorenza Petrini 1 and Francesca Berti 2 1 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, 20133 Milan, Italy; alma.brambilla@polimi...
Stents are tubular meshed endoprostheses implanted mini-invasively through a transcatheter intervention to guarantee the patency of body conduits, mainly in cardiovascular applications. In pediatric cardiology, stenting has become an accepted procedure in the treatment of congenital heart disease (CHD) as ...
"Her MD then told her that "I don't usually get to tell a patient this, but" - she didn't have heart disease any more, there was no need to put stents in, and she should come back in two years. "In financial terms, my total income from these 3 reversals of heart disease is ...
Dalteparin was evaluated for management of patients with UA/NSTEMI in an era before the widespread use of important therapies such as stents, clopidogrel, and GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors. Its relative efficacy and safety in the contemporary management era is not well established. § Some operators use...