Romans 10:1 Or Brothers and sisters Romans 10:4 Or end of the law, that everyone who believes may be justified Romans 10:14 Or him whom they have never heardEnglish Standard Version (ESV) The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Cross...
Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved. For I can testify about them that they are
When people are saved, changed, healed, and delivered in the Mighty Name of Jesus, it shows His brothers and sisters in Israel that we have their Messiah! The one they have been waiting for, but missed! “For I (Paul) speak to you Gentiles (any other Nation than Israel), inasmuch a...
We need our Father to guide us in the way we should go and discipline us when we go astray, but we also need our brothers and sisters in Christ to hold us accountable and keep us encouraged as we battle against the sins that so easily entangle us (Hebrews 12:1). God has given us ...
It is a privilege to labor with these sisters in Christ! We are reminded in His Word to labor not for the meat which perishes but that which endures unto everlasting life. John 6:27 Sharing the message of salvation with teachers from several schools! The Wednesday evenings at the Schurer’...
* My Brother’s Keeper Bible Study: 12. Fun: ONLINE/Streaming/Digital/Computer Based 1. BJU: K3-12 $1,000/kid/year ...
Eucharistic Ministersare called to administer the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ to their sisters and brothers at all Masses and to bring the gift of Jesus to shut-ins. They should have a good theology of Eucharist and the Real Presence. Ministers are generally scheduled to serve at the Mas...
Was it a coincidence that I was in Atlanta that night for a Bible study on James 5? I think not. It was a divine appointment for some encouragement from a bunch of my sisters that I hardly know Share this: Facebook X Loading... ...
How it is you help Me reconquer the hearts of your brothers and sisters? IT IS THROUGH FAITH – LIVING CHILD-LIKE FAITH – AND THROUGH YOUR ABANDONMENT TO THE FATHER’S PERFECT WILL. And do you begin to understand too then, what the greatest obstacle is to Our Plan? The horrendous ...
Oh! we must have your prayers for the impenitent -- for the anxious -- for backsliders; or if you cannot pray -- at least come together and confess your sins; tell your brethren and sisters you cannot pray, and beg of them to pray for you that you may be brought back to the ...