“Arrhythmias run in our family. FibriCheck is an easy and convenient way to follow-up on my heart rhythm. I really appreciate it that an expert has a look at the data to have that human validation.” Sandra, 44 “After a long career in the health care sector, I know the benefits ...
Check your heart rhythm with the FibriCheck smartphone app. Get immediate and actionable results. Detect irregularities, prevent strokes.
Learning the bpm of the tracks in the rhythm game hi-fi rush. (so hyped for the sequel! go chai!!) Learning the bpm of the tracks in the rhythm game hi-fi rush. (so hyped for the sequel! go chai!!) Los Angeles, United States about 2 months ago Just curios how accurate my...
Heart Rhythm provides rapid online (3-5 business days) and print publication of the most important current scientific developments in the field of cardiac arrhythmias and electrophysiology. The team of Editors and Editorial Board will do their best to provide good-quality, fair reviews in a prompt...
Please watch my short presentation given at the 2021 Annual Sessions of the Heart Rhythm Society on July 30, 2021. A 2.1 ampere-hour (Ah) battery capacity biventricular defibrillator (CRT-D) was recently shown to be the first to exceed patient survival in a chronic heart failure cohort. The...
August 1, 2021Defibrillators,Heart Rhythm Disorders,News and TechnologyLeave a Comment Please watch my short presentation given at the 2021 Annual Sessions of the Heart Rhythm Society on July 30, 2021. A 2.1 ampere-hour (Ah) battery capacity biventricular defibrillator (CRT-D) was recently shown...
The authors report on the study of the members of four lengthy expeditions on the orbital station "Saliut-6" in the exercise test with the bicycle ergometer at the station. The cybernetic analysis of the cardiac rhythm during its adaptation to weightlessness shows the definite changes of the co...
Extreme heart rhythm alteration during a head-up tilt test.doi:10.1016/j.hjc.2019.11.003Nikolaos P MargosPanagiotis N MargosIrini E VelegrakiNikolaos P BarbatzasKonstantinos S FilippouAthanasios I KranidisHellenic J Cardiol
European Heart Rhythm Association Practical Guide on the use of new oral anticoagulants in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation. Europace 2013;15:625-51; Heidbuchel H, Verhamme P, Alings M, Antz M, Hacke W, Oldgren J, et al. EHRA practical guide on the use of...
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