ABSTRACT: Previous studies demonstrated that the time required for oxygen uptake, CO2 production, and minute ventilation to return to baseline levels after 1-min bursts of exercise is different in children compared with adults. To test the hypothesis that the heart rate (HR) recovery time after ...
Clustering of anthropometric parameters, glucose tolerance, and serum lipids in children with high and low beta- and pre-beta-lipoproteins. Bogalusa Heart Study. Children initially aged 21/2 to 14 years living in Bogalusa, Louisiana (n = 2530) were examined twice, 3 years apart, for fasting ...
For adults 18 and older, a normal resting heart rate is between 60 and 100 bpm, depending on the person’s physical condition and age. For children ages 6 to 15, the normal resting heart rate is between 70 and 100 bpm, according to the AHA. But having a heart rate lower than 60 bp...
For all the above-AT work rates, the H R recovery was faster in children. Table 1. Baseline, peak exercise-baseline (increment), and end-recoverv H R values for children and adults 80%AT 50%A 100%max 125%max Children Baseline 107 f lo* 107 t lo* 109 t 7* 108 f 8* increment...
When expressed as a percentage of the children's maximal heart rate (MHR), the mean exercise heart rates during all sessions were below 60% MHR. This study suggests a need to increase the exercise intensity for activities during regular PE and PT sessions to enhance or preserve cardiopulmonary...
protocols for children invariably require measurement of heart rate and respiratory rate. Rates are converted to a numerical score by applying age-specifi c thresholds. Accurate reference ranges are key to assessing whether vital signs are abnormal. Thresholds that are incorrectly set too low...
In addition to future studies with detailed hormonal measurements, it would also seem appropriate to replicate these analyses in ECG data of children and adolescents33 to answer the question of when in life the sex difference appears. In addition, similar to the QT/RR hysteresis which, as shown...
Heart-rate monitoring: the answer for assessing energy expenditure and physical activity in population studies? SUMMARYThe energy expenditure of cerebral-palsied children ambulating with bilateral quad canes and wheeled walkers was estimated, using average heart rate and speed of walking. An energy cost...
For this reason, isoproterenol by continuous intravenous infusion was used as adjunctive therapy in children with refractory or rapidly worseningstatus asthmaticus.82At present, continuously nebulizedalbuteroland intravenous infusion of albuterol orterbutalinehave largely supplanted isoproterenol for this ...
Equine-Assisted Interventions (EAIs) for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Behavioural and Physiological Indices of Stress in Domestic Horses (Equus Caballus) during Riding Sessions. Animals 2021, 11, 1562. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Scopa, C.; Greco, A.; Contalbrigo, L.; Frat...