Heart Rate Variability (HRV) tracking app for deep insight into your health, stress, recovery and nervous system balance. Elite HRV's heart rate variability insights help you stay in tune with your body and on track toward your goals.
心率变异性(Heart Rate Variability,HRV)是定量判断心脏自主神经功能状态的一项非常有意义的指标,是指休息或运动后心率变化的测量是代表对训练的正向和负向适应。HRV指每搏心率间R-R 间期的微小涨落。HRV分析是一种无创性检测心脏自主神经张力的方法,反映自主神经系统对心血管系统的调控及该系统对各种因素的应答。安静...
With Welltory, you can easily monitor your heart rate variability (HRV) using your Garmin device, which is an important indicator of your overall health and fitness. By syncing your HRV data to Welltory, you can track your progress over time and see how changes in your routine or lifestyle...
HRV是心率变异性(Heart Rate Variability)的缩写。它是指连续心跳之间时间间隔的变化。心率并不是完全规律的,即使在静息状态下,心脏跳动的间隔时间也会有微小的变化,这种变化就是心率变异性。 心率变异性可以反映自主神经系统(ANS)的功能,特别是交感神经和副交感神经的平衡状态。较高的HRV通常表示自主神经系统功能良好...
简单来说,HRV(心率变异性)就是心跳之间的时间间隔变化。它反映了心脏跳动的自然波动,是衡量心血管健康、自主神经系统功能以及压力和恢复水平的重要指标。 HRV的重要性🌟 HRV高的人通常身体状态好,适应能力强;而HRV低的人可能就需要注意了,可能是身体在提醒你:最近是不是太累了?或者心理压力太大了?
The variation in times between the consecutive heartbeats is called heart rate variability (HRV).High HRV is viewed generally as a marker of a healthy heart
Heart rate variability (HRV): What it is, why it's a sign of fitness, factors that affect it, how to improve it and use it to train smarter.
Heart rate variability (HRV) reflects the heart’s adaptability to different situations and provides insights into stress levels, as well as overall health and well-being. HRV is linked to the autonomic nervous system, with higher HRV associated with rest-and-digest and lower HRV with stress or...
Optimize your health with Optimal HRV, the leading heart rate variability monitor and app. Track your HRV, improve wellness, and gain insights with expert HRV trainers. Unlock the power of heart rate variability for better health and performance.
但大多数人还并不知道,利用安静心率等也可以评估训练带来的压力,心率变异度(Heart Rate Variability, 以下简称HRV)更不失为一种评估身体疲劳的参考因素。 什么是HRV? 自律神经系统中的「交感神经」负责提高心率、副交感神经负责抑制心率,它们就像心脏频率的两个旋钮。这两颗旋钮并非一开一关,而是相互拮抗作用。例如...