regarding the diagnostic accuracy of heart-rate recovery after exercise in the assessment of diabetic cardiac autonomic neuropathy [1]. I have the privilege of being involved in the care of a 46-year-old elite athlete (outrigger canoe, triathlon) who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes mellitus ...
Energy expenditure, oxygen consumption, and heart rate while exercising on seven different indoor cardio machines at maximum and self-selected submaximal intensity Frontiers Oregon State Q&A: Jake Edelstein OSU Beavers The best rowing machines to keep fit in 2025, recommended by elite rowers The Telegr...
刷刷题APP(是专业的大学生刷题搜题拍题答疑工具,刷刷题提供Heart rate is between 55-70% of maximum HR when exercising. The intensity of exercise should be ( ).A.lightB.highC.vigorousD.moderate的答案解析,刷刷题为用户提供专业的考试题库
Is your resting heart rate high, normal or low? Do you know how to measure it? Learn all about what affects your resting heart rate.
Introduction: In this experiment, cardiovascular fitness is being determined by measuring how long it takes for the test subjects' to return to their resting heart rate. Cardiovascular fitness is the ability to "transport and use oxygen while exercising" (Dale 2015). Cardiovascular fitness utilizes ...
Of course, there are other readings taken to determine cardiac health. For example, a person’s heart rate might be monitored. According to the American Heart Association, a normal pulse should be between sixty and one hundred beats per minute. Anything above and below that may indicate a hea...
ageoftheperson. Asarule,themaximumheartrateofallindividualsofthesameageandsexisaboutthesame.However,thetimeit takesindividualstoreachthatmaximumlevelwhileexercisingvariesgreatly.Sincephysicallyfitpeoplecandelivera greatervolumeofbloodinasinglecardiaccycle(strokevolume)thanunfitindividuals,theycanusuallysustaina ...
70% of maximum heart rate. Complicating matters even further, companies that produce heart rate monitors also havehigher thresholds for each zone. For example, Polar's zone 2 is up to 70% of maximum heart rate, while the American College of Sports Medicine recommends a zone 2 of up to 63...
VO2 max is the most accurate measure of cardiorespiratory fitness. It measures how much oxygen your body uses while exercising. The V stands for volume, O2 is oxygen and max stands for maximum, according to theCleveland Clinic. During exercise, your heart rate also increases, as does the del...
Surprisingly, your resting heart rate (or, the number of times your heart beats per minute while your body is at "rest"—that's when you're sitting or laying down, having not done too much physical activity for a few minutes) can tell you a lot about the state of your health. And,...