.It is a strange thing to observe,how high a rate great kings and monarchs do set upon this fruit of friendship,whereof we speak:so great,as they purchase it,many times,at the hazard of their own safety and greatness.For princes,in regard of the distance of their fortune from that of ...
Stable angina describes the situation where the angina is predictably reproducible with a specific activity level, for example when the patient has onset of chest pain afterwalkingquickly for a mile, and then resolves almost immediately with rest. Unstable angina occurs at rest or while sleeping, w...
Bradycardia is a slow heart rate -- fewer than 60 bpm. Your resting heart rate typically drops below 60 bpm when you're sleeping. Some athletes and young adults can have heart rates of 40-60 bpm as well. More seriously, bradycardia results from your heart being unable to pump well enough...
The child was now slung across the shoulder of his father, sleeping deeply, his little arms dangling loose along his father's back, and his puffed-up face very red -- they were leaving the café to go home. Henry Macy was still silent. He ate carefully, making no noise when he swallo...
Sleeping heart rate typically below 40 bpm Is the a way to set the alarm for low heart rate to 35 bpm? I am healthy and active, but have a low heart rate when I sleep (typically 37-42 bpm). I have been thoroughly checked by a cardiologist. He said it’s not unusual for athleti...
Fast heart rate (above 100 beats per minute or a rate noted by your doctor) New irregular heartbeat Chest pain or discomfort during activity that gets better if you rest Trouble breathing during regular activities or at rest Changes in how you sleep, like having a hard time sleeping or feel...
Prior day physical activity–as prior studies have found an association between physical activity and sleeping heart rate, the amount of physical activity engaged in the previous day was included in the model45. The last covariate considered for the model was day of the week, as weekend nights ...
For the most part, your heart rate variability should be lower during sleep than when you’re awake. The heart slows as most of the body goes inactive, after all. The exception to this is REM sleep, when your brain grows more active and the body accordingly “wakes up” more. Still, ...
So why does the heart speed up when we get scared? Anxiety, or an inappropriate exercise response? Fast heart rate; quick, shallow breaths; sweating; dry mouth; and blood pumped away from the stomach and into the major muscles. All these are symptoms of panic, but also of exercise. If ...
The immediate death rate outside of the hospital from a widowmaker heart attack is about 12% and inside the hospital the mortality is 27%. What causes a heart attack? Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis, also called hardening of the arteries, is a gradual process where fatsandcholesterolbuild up insi...