Methods. We determined, according to decade, 24-h heart rate (HR) and HRV of 260 healthy subjects (10 to 99 years old; 112 male, 148 female) by means of five standard time domain measures: standard deviation of all normal sinus RR intervals over 24 h (SDNN), standard deviation of the...
The minute heart rate responses of all the subjects were also measured with the help of a sport tester during all the 15 laps (each lap of 200M) of 3000M running in the track. Result of the study indicate that females on an average demonstrate 10-12 beats/min greater heart rate (HR)...
A 46-year-old female presented with a history of two acute coronary syndrome (ACS) episodes occurring over a 6-week interval, each confirmed by biomarker elevation and electrocardiogram (ECG) changes consistent with non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and subsequent persistent intermittent...
Heart rate variability (HRV) denotes the time interval between consecutive heartbeats.The HRV signal, as detected by the sensors and devices, has been popularly used as an indicative measure to estimate the level of stress, depression, and anxiety. For years, artificial intelligence (AI)-based ...
Additions to the usability of the HR under dynamic loads (Section:Heart rate), Complete revision of the chapter on HRV reference values (Section:Heart rate variability), Update on the use of HRV in the prognosis of diseases (Section:Application for risk stratification of diseases). ...
HR—heart rate measured for a given student at a given time; HR_AVG—average HR of the given student (see Table1); HR_Diff—the difference between the average HR of a student (HR_AVG) and the currently measured HR of the student (HR); ...
The purpose of this study was to discuss the effects of stop extracurricular sport training on maximal heart rate of female students and level of their maximal heart rate. Through using the method of Bruce on treadmill, the maximal heart rate of 8 female students was compared around 8 weeks ...
Rate Monitor Animation Technology Doctor Healthcare Hospital Heart Female Medical Health Concept Diverse Monitor Discussing Rate Woman People Adult Laboratory Science Nurse More similar stock footage 4K Video footage, beautiful letters, words thank you, animation...
In patients with acute decompensated HF, the presence of DM is associated with increased intrahospital [47] and 1-year mortality [54] as well as rehospitalization rate [47]. These results were confirmed also in the EMPEROR-Preserved and DELIVER trials [24, 25]. Altogether, individuals with ...
The maximal rate of heart rate increase (rHRI), a marker of heart rate acceleration has been shown to correlate with performance changes in response to changes in training load in male athletes; however, it has not been established if it also correlates with performance changes in female ...