Reliability of Rating Scales of Perceived Exertion and Heart Rate During Progressive and Maximal Constant Load Exercises Till Exhaustion in Physical Educat... The purpose of this study was to assess the reliability of ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) and estimation of time limit (ETL) scales, ...
2, Body Swaying and Arm Winding were performed by 10 female undergraduate students and 13 boys and girls junior highschool students. Respiration, heart rate, and scores on the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory were measured. Analysis showed respirationrates were lower during slow tempo conditions than ...
Even if preschoolers aren’t quite ready to grasp all of the scientific jargon or concepts, early science experiments start building a solid foundation for future learning. After the results are in, here is the science behind this baking soda and vinegar science experiment: Vinegar contains acetic...
Mice were suitable for the experiments if: (1) systemic parameters were within normal range, namely, heart rate (HR)>300 beat min−1, MAP>90 mmHg, and arterial O2 partial pressure (paO2)>80 mmHg. Only males were used for these cardiac function measurements. Detailed protocols ...
Epidemiological research demonstrates that within this specific group, the mortality rate is the highest42. Also, HF patients may be irresponsive to drug therapy and suffer from deteriorating functions of multiple organs, such as the kidney and liver42. Therefore, these characteristics affect the ...
found that the HCMV infection rate was 90% higher in the AS population than in the non-AS group (90% and 74%, respectively). In this study our findings showed that, the positive rate of a high antibody titer was greater in the AS population than in controls (P < 0.001, 75% to ...
If those values declined into the “average” range, it may not raise red flags in the emergency room, but being relatively tachycardic (high heart rate) or tachypneic (high respiratory rate) is still physiologically meaningful as it would indicate that your body is suddenly working much ...
20,21 Pace of aging is a phenotype reflecting the rate at which these biological changes occur.22 We quantified pace of aging from DNAm using the DunedinPACE epigenetic clock algorithm.14 This algorithm was developed from analysis of a 20-year longitudinal change in 19 biomarkers of organ-...
rolling heart rate volatility is used to refine these candidate times by finding nearby periods where this volatility is high. Finally, nap and awakenings are labeled, the former coming from the candidate sleep blocks not included in the largest sleep window, while the latter are short periods (...
The learning rate was initialized to 1.0 × 10−2 and was decayed by 10× every 8 epochs. In the validation and testing phases, CHDdECG inferred the CHD probabilities for the input ECG cases, using the parameters obtained in the training phase. Model fine-tuning for CHD subtype ...