Heart rate (bpm)75 ± 1175 ± 1171 ± 1676 ± 220.52 Brachial SBP (mmHg)128 ± 16124 ± 23135 ± 23123 ± 250.74 Brachial DBP (mmHg)74 ± 1070 ± 1173 ± 773 ± 140.39 Mean PAP (mmHg)20 ± 445 ± 1430 ±...
Effect size analysis across VNS parameters (normalized heart rate (HRnorm), (A); normalized EMG (EMGnorm), (B); effect score (C), for responses across all burst patterns (left, i) and for responses subdivided by mean pulse rate (MPR; right, ii). Statistical significance was analyzed wit...
In animal models, we used LAD ligation to establish an experimental MI model, and we found that in the absence of baseline CoQ10 deficiency and the use of statins that affect CoQ10 levels, the single use of CoQ10 treatment showed a trend of improved survival rate, significantly reduced BNP...
Remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) gains recent great interest due to its potential in contactless heart rate measurement using consumer-level cameras. This paper presents a detailed review of rPPG measurement using computer vision and deep learning techniques for heart rate estimation. Several common gaps...
heart rate profoundly, e.g. in excess of 10 beats per minute (bpm)10, subject-specific correction of JTp intervals or other methods reflecting the individuality of JTp/RR profiles would be needed. Nevertheless, in other cases, when the heart rate is changed only moderately (or not at all)...
We back transformed model least-square means and 95% confidence intervals of the mean to the original data scale (heart rate bpm). Prior to model construction in SAS, all data manipulation was done with packages dplyr87, lubridate88, and geosphere89, while plots were constructed with ggplot290...
Guideline-recommended beta-blocker (BB) target doses for patients with chronic heart failure can often not be reached. This secondary analysis of the CIBIS-ELD trial was carried out to better understand reasons for not achieving target doses. Changes in heart rate (HR) and other parameters dur...
Figure 1. Heart rate on admission is correlated with C-reactive protein (CRP) peak in a retrospective study in patients with acute pericarditis. Reproduced from Khoueiry et al. [36], with permission. bpm: beats per minute. For acute myocarditis, clinical markers, advanced New York Heart Asso...
In fact, neither respiratory patterns nor heart rate have a direct influence on scanning time that always remains constant for our proposed approach. This means that this protocol may more easily be integrated into a clinical routine exam. Finally, the reconstruction of different respiratory motion ...
The control mechanisms and implications of heart rate variability (HRV) under the sympathetic (SNS) and parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) modulation remain poorly understood. Here, we establish the HR model/HRV responder using a nonlinear process deri