The course finally thinned out around mile 10 – if you can call it that when there are 23,000+ runners. Basically this was when I finally felt like I wasn’t tripping over people or dodging and weaving as much as earlier in the race. I moved toward Hains Point thankful that it wasn...
Ah.. I went to bed last night.. trying to fall asleep. I had a enormous headache and it was just throbbing constantly. I woke up, so obviously i must have fell asleep even though ic an remember when i did... I woke up shaking, and cryin, and very hot. I was burning up, and...
9. to become different: The nation's mood has changed. 10. to become altered or modified: Colors change when exposed to the sun. 11. to become transformed (usu. fol. by into): The toad changed back into a prince. 12. to pass gradually into (usu. fol. by to or into): Summer ch...
I was pretty relieved this year when I was walking back up the hill after the 5k that I only had to cheer on the 10k runners and not join them this time!
It’s having a piercing pain on your chest that’s so intense it causes breathing to require effort. It’s feeling tired all the time. Did I mention that one already? I forgot. It’s being “in your own world” (as my friends put it) all the time because your racing thoughts quite...
Each morning when I wake, in what seems a nanosecond, my mind is racing with all the tasks and obligations I have for that day. For quite a long time I’ve tried to find quiet time in the morning (right after I pour my first cup of coffee) for reflection, meditation, readings, and...
I sat back, calmly listening and talking, when all I really wanted to do was stand up and yell at the world that they could not understand true magic until they had sat and talked with this girl, this person, this woman, this…. and it hit me that there are times when you almost ...
At the same time, it is so easy for me to fall back into worrying about income and money and the future. If I’m not working, and I have no housemate, how can I continue to afford this lifestyle? When that happens, I cry to release it, and then I redirect my heart to embracing...
I’m turning into your neighborhood when my phone rings. I hit my ear piece and say hello. “Hey Mom”. The sound of your voice causes my heart to race. “Hey Matt” I say trying to sound like I’m relaxing at home not getting ready for my drive by. “You’re late tonight,”...
I was consumed by greed and the reaction was violent. I sputtered and spit. My throat burned. When the brine reached my stomach I retched. It can be difficult to determine where the earth ends and the sky begins in the perfect reflections of the Bonneville Salt Flats. ...