黑暗被巨大而难以捉摸的非洲丛林所象征,并与所有人不可知和原始的心有关。 【参考资料】Joseph Conrad (约瑟夫·康拉德)《Heart of Darkness》《黑暗之心》电子书和网络公开资料。 ———- End ———
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad has been depicted as “among the half-dozen greatest short novels in the English language.” [pg.1] Chinua Achebe believes otherwise. In Chinua Achebe’s An Image of Africa: Racism is Conrad’s Heart of Darkness he simply states that, “Joseph Conrad was...
Explore the Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad and view a summary of the novella. Read an analysis of the meaning of the novel's symbols and see...
Explore key characters in Joseph Conrad's ''Heart of Darkness.'' Review analyses of Marlow, Kurtz, the Brickmaker, the Chief Accountant, Marlow's...
Heart of Darkness是Joseph Conrad创作的英文图书类小说,QQ阅读提供Heart of Darkness部分章节免费在线阅读,此外还提供Heart of Darkness全本在线阅读。
Critical review of Joseph Conrad's novel "Heart of Darkness" in which it was analyzed, starting from theoretical premises of postcolonial literary theory, a wider historical and social contest of events which thematize the Conrad's novel, and that is the colonization o...
Heart of Darkness is a complex exploration of the beliefs people hold on what constitutes a barbarian versus a civilized society and the stance on colonialism and racism that was part and parcel of European imperialism. Originally published as a three-part serial story, in Blackwood's Magazine, ...
heart of darkness《黑暗的心》读书报告 ReadingReportofHeartofDarkness Outline 1.Plot BasedonJosephConrad’sownexperiencetravelinguptheCongoRiverintotheAfricaninterior,HeartofDarknessfollowsthedisturbingjourneyofEnglishivory-tradingagentMarlow...
an image of africa racism in conrad´s heart of darkness:康拉德黑暗之心的非洲种族主义形象 热度: 康拉德《黑暗之心》的文体分析 热度: Joseph_Conrad_约瑟夫康拉德_英文介绍_详细版PPT 热度: HeartofDarkness JosephConrad 1HeartofDarknessopensinwhatsetting?
made him savage and fanatical. It is partly due to this savagery that the natives of the Congo revere him as a godlike being. Kurtz is in poor health by the time Marlow encounters him.Heart of Darkness is a chilling tale of horror set in the Congo during the period of ...