黑暗则通过巨大而难以捉摸的非洲丛林来象征,并与人类内心不可知的原始本质联系在一起。 【参考资料】Joseph Conrad (约瑟夫·康拉德)《Heart of Darkness》《黑暗之心》电子书和网络公开资料。 ———- End ——— 编辑于 2025-03-04 00:08・IP 属地广东 内容所属专栏 中篇小说 中篇小说解读解析 订阅专栏 小...
heart of darkness《Heart of Darkness》(《黑暗之心》)是英国作家约瑟夫·康拉德(Joseph Conrad)创作的中篇小说,首次出版于1899年。这部作品以殖民时期的非洲为背景,通过主人公马洛的视角揭露了殖民主义的残暴与人性的异化。它不仅是一部对帝国主义的尖锐批判,也是对人类文明与野蛮本质的...
Heart of Darkness豆瓣评分:0.0 简介:This book introduces "Heart of Darkness" through its key characters - an ideal framework for students looking to develop an advanced understanding of the text.Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" (1899
《黑暗的心》或译《黑暗之心》(Heart of Darkness)是约瑟夫·康拉德的一部中篇小说,讲述了船员马洛的故事。马洛在行程中,被象牙贸易公司业务员库尔兹的事迹所吸引。这本书探索了人潜在的、固有的黑暗面,涉及了殖民主义、种族主义、野蛮、文明等多个主题。Heart of Darkness, a novel by Joseph Conrad, was orig...
Heart of Darkness is a novella written by Polish-born writer Joseph Conrad (born Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski). Before its 1902 publication, it appeared as a three-part series (1899) in Blackwood's Magazine. It is widely regarded as a significant work of English literature and part of ...
按康拉德在书信集 (《The Collected Letters of Joseph Conrad》, Vol2 ) 里的自述:这是关于欧洲记者在非洲,从一名贸易站经理摇身一变成了当地人崇拜之神的狂野小说。从主题看像是一部喜剧,可它不是。1. “我”除了频繁的时间变化,第三人称高效的全知视野在叙述中交错互衬,是现代甚至后现代小说书写的主要...
Heart of Darkness is a novella by Joseph Conrad. Before publication, it appeared in a three-part series in Blackwood's Magazine (1899). This highly symbolic story is actually a story within a story, or frame tale, following a man named Charlie Marlow, as he recounts his adventure to a ...
Heart of Darkness Heart of Darknessis an 1899 novella by Polish-British novelistJoseph Conradin which the sailor Charles Marlow tells his listeners the story of his assignment as steamer captain for a Belgian company in the African interior. The novel is widely regarded as a critique of European...
从这个意义上说,《黑暗之心》 跨越了维多利亚时代感性的衰落与现代主义感性的兴起之间的界限。从体裁的...
Heart of Darkness is a novella written by Joseph Conrad. Before its 1903 publication, it appeared as a three-part series (1899) in Blackwood's Magazine. It was classified by the Modern Library website editors as one of the "100 best novels" and part of the Western canon. The story ...