“a good night’s sleep”. We’ve played a thousand board games – I think Richochet Robot has been broken out after the pie since nearly the first year. We’ve welcomed neighbors, babies, friends of friends. I finally learned how to spell the word “meringue” without looking it up. ...
but the message is clear. If you’re making fun of moronic Silicon Valley startups like Yo, or startups in general, you could be stupidly mislabeling the next Twitter or Facebook. Take this line of thought to its logical conclusion and the result is that it would be a mistake to que...
In a large dutch oven, cook the bacon. Add the onions. Chop up the corned beef (not slicing any fingers on the weird pot things that exist in no other food type than potted meats). Add the water, and then pull the skins off the potatoes (burning fingers in the process optional) and...