Heart & Vascular System in Ancient Greek Medicine 作者:C. R. S. Harris 出版社:Oxford University Press, USA 出版年:1973-02-15 定价:USD 79.00 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780198581352 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到
Heart attackattested from 1875;heart diseaseis from 1864. The card gameheartsis so called from 1886. Tohave one's heart in the right place"mean well" is from 1774.Heart and soul"one's whole being" is from 1650s. Toeat (one's own) heart"waste away with grief, resentment, etc." is...
In ancient times, many Israelites learned the psalms by heart. 古时,许多以色列人都把诗篇背得滚瓜烂熟。 jw2019 The students learned many poems by heart. 学生们用心学习了很多首诗。 Tatoeba-2020.08 I see you know your lines by heart. 我想你 理解 你 的 台詞 OpenSubtitles2018.v3 8...
Teachings on the Prayer of the Heart in the Greek and Syrian Fathers: The Significance of Body and CommunityThe prayer of the heart is an early Christian contemplative tradition of striking profundity and beauty. In this work, the inherently embodied, communal nature of this ancient teaching is ...
[ ] A. was played in memory of ancient Greek ceremonies B. was a form of ceremony played by ancient Greeks to control unknown powers C. evolved out of ancient Greek ceremonies with time passing by D. is one of the measures Ancient Greeks took to view natural forces (3) In tracing the...
In ancient Rome, Irish wolfhounds were said to be "gentle when stroked, fierce when provoked." The dogs came by the motto naturally, as the fierce dogs were big game hunters who could easily take down elk. #88. Dogo Argentino Canva #88. Dogo Argentino - Last year's rank: #89 (up ...
(from the same PIE root asspleen) was a word for the principal internal organs, which also were felt in ancient times to be the seat of various emotions. Greek poets, from Aeschylus down, regarded the bowels as the seat of the more violent passions such as anger and love, but by the...
Sacred Heart, in Roman Catholicism, is the mystical-physical heart of Jesus as an object of devotion.
Jacaranda, any plant of the genus Jacaranda (family Bignoniaceae), especially the two ornamental trees J. mimosifolia and J. cuspidifolia. They are widely grown in warm parts of the world and in greenhouses for their showy blue or violet flowers and attr
Matters of the heart have baffled humans since the dawn of time, with sonnets and entire books devoted to the meaning of love. Now scientists are finding that the blood pump in your chest is just as complex. You can't live or love without it.