lightHq Background Imagesmagic romancecutheart valentineromantichearts hopepeacesymbol celebrationthree dimensionalshiny anatomyorganbody part brownwoodhardwood lovepinkheart valentines daystickastronomy renderdigital image3d render coupleholidayheart greystringheart ...
In line with the intersectionality theory (Bauer et al.,2021), individuals’ experiences are shaped by the intersection of multiple social identities, including sexual orientation, cultural background, and gender identity. By focusing on Greek gay men, this study acknowledges the complex interplay bet...
e, TEM images of sarcomeres (arrows) in control and NKX2.5-KO organoids. Scale bars, 100 µm (a) and 1 µm (e). Full size image Assessing the general development of tissue compactness in the ML of control HFOs in a time-resolved manner revealed no measurable changes from d7...
A couple more tweaks like setting a nicebackgroundand afonton thebodyand preventing heart selection and we get: Accessibility There’s still a problem with this, an accessibility problem in this case: when using the keyboard for navigation, there’s no visual clue on whether the heart toggle ...
Please provide captions for all figures, images, and artwork. Text graphics may be embedded in the text at the appropriate position. If you are working with LaTeX, text graphics may also be embedded in the file. Artwork formats When your artwork is finalized, "save as" or convert your elec...
Evaluation of TAC experiment with Gomori silver staining. A Representative images of cross sections from the inner wall of the left ventricle, B of cross sections from the inner wall of the right ventricle and C of longitudinal sections from the mid-wall of the left ventricle of sham and TAC...
(I) Representative fresh heart images in white background. (J-K) Representative WGA staining of heart tissues and quantitative analysis of myocyte area. A minimum of 100 cells were measured from different visual fields of 6 samples per group. (scale bar = 100 µm). (L) Representative ...
With this magnetometer, we detected the heartbeat of an isolated guinea-pig heart, which is an animal widely used in biomedical studies. In our recordings of the magnetocardiogram, we can detect the P-wave, QRS-complex and T-wave associated with the cardiac cycle in real time. We also ...
14. (Film) to arrange (a stage, television studio, etc) with scenery and props 15. to describe or present (a scene or the background to a literary work, story, etc) in words: his novel is set in Russia. 16. to present as a model of good or bad behaviour (esp in the phrases...
Epicardioids differentiated from AAVS1-FRT-flanked STOP-mKate2-HA reporter hiPSCs were transduced with a lentiviral vector encoding FLP under the control of the CDH1 promoter at day 15 before analysis at day 24. b, Representative images of immunostaining for the HA tag, the CM marker cTnT ...