Health Calculators OurHealth Calculatorscan help you to start and maintain a new healthy lifestyle. Have a look at our selection offree Health Calculators,from BMI to Maximum Heart Rate Calculators, to start your new healthy lifestyle today! HealthCalculators Simply choose which of ourfree Health ...
Heart Rate Calculator Select your sex: Your age:in years. Press to calculate your maximum heart rate: Your maximum heart rate isbeats per minute. See below results of heart rate calculation using different formula: Standard formula:beats per minute. ...
Use the target heart rate calculator to determine your maximum heart rate for exercise and physical activity. The heart rate calculator will help you identify the most effective heart rate zone you should be in to effectively burn calories.
Enhancing patient understanding and engagement, supporting clinical decision-making for health care providers, and research and epidemiology are some of the driving reasons that motivated me to make a complex and serious tool such as the heart failure life expectancy calculator. We ensure our tools ar...
Welcome to the Omni heart rate recovery calculator, a simple and convenient tool you can use to calculate heart rate recovery. Heart rate recovery indicates how well the heart recovers after stress (physical exercise). 🏃🏻♂️ If you're interested in exploring various indicators of your...
A new online health calculator can help people determine their risk of heart disease, as well as their heart age, accounting for sociodemographic factors such as ethnicity, sense of belonging and education, as well as health status and lifestyle behaviours. The process to build and validate the...
A new risk calculator will better predict people at high risk of heart and circulatory diseases years before they strike, and is ready for use across the UK and Europe, according to research published today in the journal European Heart Journal.
Henry Ford Hospital, University of Michigan, Thomas Jefferson University, Cooper Health System, North Ohio Heart Center. Boston Scientific = 322 patients, Medtronic = 794 patients, St. Jude Medical = 186 patients. Five-year survival rate calculated using device replacements for battery depletion as ...
BMI Calculator: Body mass index or BMI, is used to determine whether you are in an ideal weight range for your height. It gives you an idea of whether you’re "underweight", a "healthy weight", "overweight", or "obese" for your height. BMI is one type of tool to help health profe...
Given the physical nature of a position in law enforcement, the assessment of cardiovascular (CV) health as well as muscular strength and endurance is paramount to ensuring the safety of these personnel and the citizens they serve. The present study retrospectively examined correlations between severa...