accompanied by this flutter.Then i start feeling a full sensation on my head like congestion and also a cold feeling around my chest hands and stomachi also get this dry cough and sometime nausea. Maybe i feel that afterwards becuase i am scared but it is a terrible feeling. Please Help...
Congestive heart failure is a major health care concern affecting almost six million Americans and an estimated 23 million people worldwide, and its preval
Heart palpitations can have many causes beyond menopause, such as thyroid imbalances, anemia, diabetes, some infections, low blood pressure, and heart problems. While these flutters are usually not serious, when it comes to heart issues, you don’t want to mess around. Heart disease is the ...
Although electrical cardioversion can be used to treat almost any abnormal fast heartbeat (such as atrial flutter and ventricular tachycardia), it is used most frequently to convert atrial fibrillation to a normal rhythm. Anticoagulants such as rivaroxaban (Xarelto), apixaban (Eliquis), and warfarin...
Ventricular tachycardiacauses a fast heartbeat that arises from abnormal electrical pathways in the ventricles, the heart's lower chambers. Alcohol Drinking alcohol may cause your heart to beat faster or to flutter. It may happen when you drink more, like during holidays or weekends. However, som...
Causesofleftventricularfailure Healthconditionsthateitherdamagetheheartormakeitworktoohard•Volumeoverload:Regurgitatevalve Highoutputstatus•Pressureoverload:SystemichypertensionOutflowobstruction•Lossofmuscles:PostMI,ChronicischemiaConnectivetissuediseasesInfection,Poisons(alcohol,cobalt,Doxorubicin)•RestrictedFilling...
Atrial Flutter Track 17: Cardio Oncology Cardio-oncology is a specialized field that focuses on the cardiovascular health of cancer patients, particularly those undergoing cancer treatment. It addresses the intersection between cancer therapies and their potential adverse effects on the heart and vasculatur...
In chronic pulmonary heart disease, evolution is long, slow and progressive. On this background there is a possibility of decompensation caused by hypoxia, consecutive to intercurrent respiratory infections. Over-addition of atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter, aggravates the prognosis. ...
, when we saw the little flutter on the screen that would become Sophie’s little brother Thomas. Here is the second amazing thing about this story:Thomas is an exact bone marrow match for Sophie!Her two older brothers are not, much to their chagrin, because all 3 of them wanted to be...
MitralStenosis:EKGLAERVHPrematurecontractionsAtrialflutterand/orfibrillation?freq.inptswithmod-severeMSforseveralyearsAfibdevelopsin?30%to40%ofptsw/symptoms A75yearoldwomanwithloudfirstheartsoundandmid-diastolicmurmer MitralStenosisECG MitralStenosisX-rayfilm ...