The aetiology of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is heterogenous and overlaps with that of several comorbidities like atrial fibrill
Identifying Advanced Heart Failure in your patient I disagree with this approach I will consider changing my practice, but need more information/time I will likely change my practice I will definitely change my practice I already do this
The CardioMEMS HF System helped equestrian Avery Jaster manage her heart failure. Finding the right monitoring system made all the difference.
Refer to the lesson titled Heart Failure vs Heart Attack to gain more insight into these conditions. The lesson explains: What coronary arteries do The process leading to a heart attack The different types of heart failure Symptoms and causes of heart failure Practice Exams You are viewin...
A role for inflammation in the development and progression of heart failure (HF) has been proposed for decades. Multiple studies have demonstrated the potential involvement of several groups of cytokines and chemokines in acute and chronic HF, though targeting these pathways in early therapeutic trials...
Methods: Quality and Cardiac Data Management developed a set of pocket-sized, color-coded guideline reference cards covering AMI, stroke, CABG and heart failure best practice recommendations. The cards are on a ring, allowing for simple card replacement or updates. Since many patients have several...
In patients with heart failure, some organizational and modifiable factors could be prognostic factors. We aimed to assess the association between the in-hospital care pathways during hospitalization for acute heart failure and the risk of readmission. This retrospective study included all elderly patient...
Can an ARB prevent cardiovascular death and myocardial infarction in patients with heart failure? Furthermore, should ARB therapy even be added to ACE inhibitor therapy? These are the clinical questions addressed by Demers et al. in this exploration of the CHARM trial findings....
This section will include original submissions, editorial perspectives by trainees and early career faculty with a focus on career development, education, practice readiness, and changes in heart failure training and care. Submissions will have a maximum of three authors. This corner will also entail...
This impressive study demonstrates how CoQ10 offers important heart health benefits and how essential it is to cardiac patients. Ideally, the practice of cardiology will soon include CoQ10 as part of their protocol to improve the lives of those living with heart failure. ...