(2014) Ivabradine in heart failure: NICE guidance. Heart 100 , 93-95 /Hardman SM. Ivabradine in heart failure: NICE guidance. Heart. Pub- lished Online First: 18 June 2013. http://heart.bmj.com/content/ early/2013/06/17/heartjnl-2012-303490.full.pdf+html?sid=29e1ec6a- 5827-4d48...
Chronic Heart Failure Clinical Guideline No. 5 NICE – July 2003likelihood of ischemia
Chronic Heart Failure: Management of Chronic Heart Failure in Adults in Primary and Secondary Care NICE 2010 (21) Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis ACCP 2012 (22) Guidelines for the Care of Heart Transplant Recipients ISHLT 2010 (23) Statements Contemporary Definitions and Classificati...
(American Heart Association,AHA)/美国心力衰竭学会(The Heart Failure Society of America,HFSA)联合推荐心力衰竭的管理指南[3]、2018年中国心力衰竭诊治指南[4]的AHF部分和英国国家卫生与临床优化研究所(National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence,NICE)公布的AHF指南比较,在多个方面均有了新的推荐和要求...
Telemedicine in chronic diseases like heart failure is rapidly evolving and has two important goals: improving and individualising care as well as reducing
Heart failure (HF) is a heterogeneous clinical syndrome marked by substantial morbidity and mortality. The natural history of HF is well established; however, epidemiological data are continually evolving owing to demographic shifts, advances in treatment and variations in access to health care. Althoug...
23 These findings have undoubtedly influenced the recently published NICE acute heart failure guidelines, which recommend that all patients admitted with suspected heart failure should have early and continuing access to specialist services.33 The recommendations that all patients with heart failure are ...
AstraZeneca's Forxiga gets NICE backing for heart failure in draft guidance; around 260,000 patients may be eligible
Full Text | PDF ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Association of diastolic and renal dysfunctions in non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and their impact on outcomes Kanybek Kaliev, Medet T. Beishenkulov, Aiperi Toktosunova, Amantur...
However, the clinical profile of patients who develop heart failure (HF) or atrial fibrillation/flutter (AF) following exacerbation is unclear. Therefore we examined factors associated with people being hospitalized for HF or AF, respectively, following a COPD exacerbation. Methods We conducted two ...