Beta-1 adrenergic receptor agonists β1 agonists: stimulates adenylyl cyclase activity; opening of calcium channel. Causing cardiac stimulation; used to treat cardiogenic shock, acute heart failure, bradyarrhythmias. Selected examples are: Dobutamine, Dopamine Isoproterenol (β1 and β2) Xamoterol epinep...
FIGURE 1 Approach to the treatment of the patient with CHF who wishes to engage in sexual activity. ACEI = angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; BNP = brain natriuretic peptide; CHF = chronic heart failure; ED = erectile dysfunction; EF = ejection fraction; LV = left ventricular; NYHA = N...
CCUlectureseries Case1 56YOMpresentsforDOE6months DeniesCP,syncope,palpitations PMHsignificantforhypercholesterolemia Had“murmursinceIwasachild” Motherdiedofheartfailurein60s Non-smoker Case1 HR66BP120/85 Neck:Nobruits Chest:CTA CVS:RRR,harsh3/6SEMradiatingtocarotids ...
HEART FAILURE Myocardial infarction is the most common cause of decreased contractility. VENTRICULAR REMODELING causes progressive myocyte contractile dysfunction over time. When contractility is decreased, stroke volume falls and left ventricular end-diastolic volume (LVEDV) increases. Dilation of the heart ...
Ischemic Heart Disease Pre-load Heart disease After-load C.O. Tissue perfusion Pathology of Heart Failure Pre-load Heart disease After-load + + C.O. - Renal. Plaque rupture, thrombosis, and healing. A myocardial infraction ...
ASD Initial symptoms associated with an ASD may be mild and ignored by the patient. Atrial arrhythmias, exercise intolerance, fatigue, dyspnea, and overt heart failure are common manifestations of symptomatic ASDs. ASD Cardiac catheterization, because it is invasive, is rarely indicated for diagnostic...
failure of normal muscle relaxation and then contraction. The relatively poor perfusion of the subendocardium causes more intense ischemia of this portion of the wall (compared with the subepicardial region). Ischemia of large portions of the ventricle causes transient left ventricular failure, and ...
RV failure sometimes develops in heart failure patients with high PVR following implantation of a left ventricular assist device (LVAD). Ventricular decompression by LVAD changes cardiac geometry by collapsing the LV. This maneuver bows the septum toward the left side, making its helical fibers more...