Codes for the "Orange Heart" Emoji Click on a green box to copy its contents. Formal Name: Orange Heart The symbol: 🧡 The Alt Code: Alt 129505 The HTML Code: 🧡 HTML Entity: none CSS Code: \1F9E1 Hex Code: 🧡 Unicode: U+1F9E1 UTF-16 (for .js): \uD83E...
Green Heart as emoji was first used in 2010 and belongs to the category Smileys & People - Emotion. Also in the above tables you will find 💚 meaning, 💚 code HTML or some of the codes used in programming languages as string data to display 💚 emoji. Note: The emoji images may...
The white heart emoji. Just copy and paste to use on Facebook, Twitter, and other websites! White heart symbols are a great way to express your love.
HTML code Heart text characters and Heart Emoji in HTML and JS Following is a list of HTML entities for heart symbols and heart emojis. One of these text symbols ♥ has a simplified HTML entity. HTML entity JS entity Symbol HTML entity JS entity Symbol ♥ \u2665 ♥ '...
Yellow Heart Emoji details Symbol to copy Uncode codepoint U+1F49B Unicode name Yellow Heart Category Smileys & People / Emotions Keywords heart Windows Alt-code Alt+1F49B Decimal HTML Entity 💛 Hex HTML Entity 💛 UTF-16 hex ...
Discover the meaning and copy the Emoji 🩷 Pink Heart on SYMBL (◕‿◕)! Unicode number: U+1FA77. HTML: 🩷. Subcategory “Heart” in category “Smileys & Emotion”. Find out where and how to use this symbol!
Check out the ️ Red Heart emoji in over 100 languages Source: Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) v46 ️ Emoji Codes for Developers Shortcode (Discord) :heart: 💾 Shortcode (GitHub) :heart: 💾 Shortcode (Slack) :heart: 💾 HTML Dec ❤️ 💾 HTML ...
Green Heart Emoji HTML-entities HTML entites are intended for using on websites. You can put Green Heart Emoji html entity code in decimalor hexadecimalform right in your message, and it will be translated into graphical representation of Green Heart Emoji after you submit. ...
💚Emoji Codes for Developers Shortcode (Discord):green_heart:💾 Shortcode (GitHub):green_heart:💾 Shortcode (Slack):green_heart:💾 HTML Dec💚💾 HTML Hex💚💾 CSS\01F49A💾 C, C++ & Python\U0001f49a💾
This allows HTML<form>s to post reactions using the Open Heart protocol through an empty input. In this case, the payload will be🥨=. Optionally, aGETrequest to the same URL may respond with the emoji reaction counts. curl'