首先,你需要从Kaggle上下载Heart DiseaseUCI数据集。你可以直接访问Kaggle页面进行下载,或使用Kaggle API。这里我们使用Kaggle API的方式。 # 安装Kaggle API(如果没有安装)!pipinstallkaggle# 从Kaggle下载数据集!kaggle datasets download-duci/heart-disease-uci ...
kaggle项目---Heart Disease 主要利用了随机森林来训练模型,同时分析了各个属性的权重及对预测结构的影响 importnumpyasnpimportpandasaspdimportmatplotlib.pyplotaspltimportseabornassns#for plottingfromsklearn.ensembleimportRandomForestClassifier#for the modelfromsklearn.treeimportDecisionTreeClassifierfromsklearn.treeim...
Kaggle除了作为平台来帮助组织者们举办数据分析比赛之外,其本身从2014年开始每年也会和Booz Allen Hamilton(一家著名的咨询公司)举办一次年度的数据分析竞赛Annual Data Science Bowl,从名字上来看就有点类似Super Bowl的意味,所以说也相当于是数据科学的一大年度盛事吧。每次比赛从当年12月开始一直持续到第二年的3月份,...
However, in order to discover the optimal HDP solution, this study compares multiple classification algorithms utilizing two separate heart disease datasets from the Kaggle repository and the University of California, Irvine (UCI) machine learning repository. In a comparative analysis, Mean Absolute ...
this study compares multiple classification algorithms utilizing two separate heart disease datasets from the Kaggle repository and the University of California,Irvine(UCI)machine learning repository.In a comparative analysis,Mean Absolute Error(MAE),Relative Absolute Error(RAE),precision,recall,fmeasure,and...
Heart disease is a fatal human disease, rapidly increases globally in both developed and undeveloped countries and consequently, causes death. Normally, in this disease, the heart fails to supply a sufficient amount of blood to other parts of the body in
Bhatt et al., in their study based on data from Kaggle datasets and using Random Forest, Decision Tree Algorithms, Multilayer Perception, and XGBOOST classifier, predicted heart disease. In conclusion, the MLP algorithm demonstrated the highest level of accuracy (87.28%) among the other algorithms...
heart_disease_prediction 心脏病UCI数据集 该实验只是根据心脏病的缺席情况简单地预测心脏病的存在。 1.关于数据集: 该数据集在Kaggle( )上提供。 并且可以从UCI机器学习存储库( )中获得。 数据包含总共14个属性,如下所示。 属性说明 年龄:岁 性别:性别(1 =男性; 0 =女性) cp:胸痛类型 值1:典型心绞痛值2...
The "Framingham" dataset is publically available on the Kaggle website, and it is from an ongoing cardiovascular study on residents of the town of Framingham, Massachusetts. The classification goal is to predict whether the patient has 10-year risk of future coronary heart disease (CHD).The dat...
This proposed work utilized Kaggle data to predict and diagnose heart and diabetic diseases. The diseases heart and diabetes are the foremost cause of higher death rates for people. The dataset contains target features for the diagnosis of heart disease. This work finds the target variable for ...