Heart Rate Calculator Age:years Resting Heart Rate:bpm HRmaxFormula: Intensity: Results Maximum Heart Rate Formula: HRmax= 220 - Age Maximum Heart Rate (HRmax):180 bpm(beats per minute) Heart Rate Reserve (HRreserve):120 bpm(beats per minute) ...
Heart Rate Calculator Select your sex: Your age:in years. Press to calculate your maximum heart rate: Your maximum heart rate isbeats per minute. See below results of heart rate calculation using different formula: Standard formula:beats per minute. ...
TARGET HEART RATE CALCULATOR Age: in years RESULTS Heart Rate Zone Beats Per Minute Maximum Heart Rate 90% Anaerobic 80% Interval Training 70% Aerobic 60% Light JOIN OUR NEWSLETTER I agree to have my personal information transfered to MailChimp ( more information ) Join over 175,...
TARGET HEART RATE CALCULATOR Age Years RESULTS Heart Rate Zone Beats Per Minute Maximum Heart Rate 90% Anaerobic 80% Interval Training 70% Aerobic 60% Light How to Use The Right Target Heart RateMaximum Heart Rate is a measure of the maximum number of times your heart can safely ...
Your Target Heart Rate Zone ? Important Note This tool is not applicable to children; the maximum heart rate in healthy children is about 200 beats per minute, and unless there is just medical cause, there is no need to arbitarily limit the heart rate of a healthy child. ...
The information and heart rate calculator on this page will help answer this question and help you quickly check your pulse and measure your heart rate. What is resting heart rate? It is the number of times your heart beats per minute when you have not been engaged in any activity for som...
This calculator will help you figure out your "target heart rate" for exercise. Simply fill in your resting heart rate, and your age and click "Convert". What is your resting heart rate? It is simply the number of beats per minute while your body is at rest. You should calculate this...
R-R interval Type of box R-R interval (boxes) Paper speed Beats per minute (BPM) Share resultReload calculator Check out 37 similar cardiovascular system calculators ️ 6 minute walk testAnkle-brachial indexAortic valve area...34 moreCalculator...
Heart Rate Zone Calculator Select your sex: Your age:in years. Press to calculate your heart rate zones: Your maximum heart rate is:beats per minute. Your calculated heart rate zones: Light intensity, 50-60% of MHR: fromtobeats per minute. ...
Multiply the number by four to get your heart rate in beats per minute. Voilà! You have now calculated your heart rate in bpm.Maximum heart rate after the exercise bpm Heart rate after 1 minute of rest bpm Heart rate recovery bpm Share resultReload calculatorClear all changes Check out...