Heartbeat See Also:AGITATION Chest chiming like a cathedral gone berserk —Jonathan Gash Feel his heart beating wildly inside his child’s body, like a bird in a frail cage —Ruth Prawer Jhabvala Heart banged like a drum —Katherine Mansfield ...
Self pleasure with the full Littmann stethoscope cam a.She`s listening to her own heartbeat with the steth when inspirations strikes. She decides to have an orgasm while listening to that sweet heart beat. Her orgasm provides a symphony of heart sounds for her ears. Self pleasure with the ...
His posture altered, his movements were smoother, his heart beat faster. Il suo portamento si alterò, i movimenti divennero più fluidi, il cuore prese a battere più in fretta. Literature He tried to retreat, his heart beating and his head pounding so that he could hear nothing else....
Typically, lower resting heartbeats indicate that a person is in better physical shape. A stronger heart does not have to beat as often in order to deliver an adequate supply of blood to a person’s body. Some athletes may have resting heart beats as low as forty beats a minute and still...
- Normal, but constantly heavy heartbeat: especially when rested, this is so annoying! My legs and tummy vibrate apparently on every heartbeat! With some exertion, these vibrations increase even more. During night, I can count my heart beats because I hear each of them in my ears. - Un...
Heartbeat falls upon deaf ears,Slowly take away all my fears.Coldness closes in all aroundAs your shattered soul falls to the ground.Teardrops fall from the skies,Raindrops form in your eyes.The hurting goes so deep.Starlit sky burns out as you weepTears of fury, cries of hate,As you cu...
The supernatural elements also add to the Gothic form in the story. The pounding heart of the dead old man comes to haunt the narrator. Whether it is the heartbeat of the old man’s heart or the narrator’s own heart is debatable, however, it increases the narrator’s anxiety. It haun...
“Fuckers!” she screamed, pounding on the steering wheel. Past the six-block, downtown strip of the lumber mill town named Bingen, Casey turned and drove three blocks before hitting the side street that led to the wood-shingled bungalow. She came to a halt in the large carport, perfect...
He felt like his heart was pounding very hard. He was very hot and flush with an extremely red neck, face, ears, hands and arms. He began to feel nausiated and dizzy, as well, and went to see the school nurse. She checked his heart rate, which was a little over 100. She said ...
" You tap twice in succession for every "lub-dub." This is especially easy when you feel your heart pounding in your chest or into your throat between your ears, so you can hear it. In relaxed posture, follow your heart beat with the tapping on "yinjiao" to lead the "Qi" flow ...