And I can feel your chest and your heartbeat When you're this close to me oh I can feel your body pulsing And your chest is thumping at a 110 bpm Don't pretend I'm a 110 percent sure You don't see me as a friend So just give in to me ...
Measured in beats per minute, maximum heart rate is the fastest rate at which your heart can beat. Sound simple? “There are a lot of misconceptions about max heart rate,” says Trevor Thieme, C.S.C.S. “You can’t increase it, for example, but it does decrease with age,” regardle...
Many women say that the beating of their baby's tiny heart sounds like galloping horses. The embryonic and fetal heartbeat is fast, about 110 to 160 beats per minute. If you hear a whooshing noise, that's not the heartbeat – it's probably because of movement or the monitor traveling ...
It's you take my heart beat My heart beat Turn rise the roof It's you take the suit barrier One take barrier It's you take my heart beat My heart beat Turn rise the roof It's you take the suit barrier One take barrier To turn me on It's you take my heart be...
Heartbeat (60 BPM) 来源:Freesound前往原页面查看译文 作者:AdamWeeden 许可:CC-BY 保留署名许可协议 描述:Synthesised Heartbeat consisting of Bass Sweeps. 标签:HeartbeatHeartBeat 加入任务队列 前往声音页面 心跳 by MisbeDAVE 来源Freesound 详情下载...
Heartbeat-89bpmstrummindude (Freesound) 0:00 0:18 Soundeffekte: Herz, Herzschlag, Impuls. Kostenlose Nutzung. Kommentare Die Community freut sich auf deine Meinung! Bei Pixabay anmelden oder registrieren, um Kommentare anzusehen HerzHerzschlagImpuls ...
欢迎收听电子音频内容《123 bpm - The First Station - Heartbeat》,你可以在线听书也可以下载喜马拉雅APP播放,想收听更多更优质的有声读物小说故事音乐作品,就来喜马拉雅!
Slow Heartbeat 100 BPM meghallgatása kövess vagy keress további None kategóriás hangokat. ✓ Jogdíjmentes zeneletöltés ✓ Több ezer zeneszám
Heartbeats » heartbeat140bpmlimited来源: Freesound 前往原页面 查看译文 作者: loudernoises 许可: CC0 公众共享许可协议 描述: A synthesised heartbeat created using MATLAB. Limited using Ableton Live's inbuilt limiter with 7 dB of gain. Creative Commons 0 license so do as you please. 标签:...
爱给网提供海量的免费商用 (cc协议)资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为wav 格式的心跳-120BPM有限公司(heartbeat-120bpm-limited), 本站编号35676057, 该免费商用 (cc协议)素材大小为3m, 时长为00:30, 声道为单声道, 音质为HQ高品质, 比特率为705k, 采样率为44100k, 该素材已被下载:7次,许可范围为可商用,协...