Heart attack.Gives details on heart attack. Mortality of people who delay treatment for heart attack; Causes; Symptoms; Preventions for progressive heart attack damage; Resuscitating persons with heart attack. INSET: Do you know CPR?..EBSCO_AspMayo Clinic Health Letter...
Early detection and diagnosis make heart disease easier to treat. That's why it's important to know the warning signs and symptoms of heart disease.
The reason lies in the difference in heart attack symptoms between men and women. According to the Mayo Clinic, one of the top-ranking hospitals in the US, women are less likely to have chest pains, which are deemed as a typical symptom of heart attacks. Instead, they have more atypical...
"Non-classic" chest discomfort:Although some women do have crushing chest pain during a heart attack, many experience different or less severe chest symptoms, such as the sensation of pressure or tightness. According to theMayo Clinic, this may be because women tend to have blockages in the ...
Seeking immediate medical care for heart attack symptoms can play a role in surviving myocardial infarction. You'll also want to be aware of any heart attack risk factors you have and make changes to prevent heart attacks when possible. Here's what else you need to know. ...
Even though women may experience some different heart attack symptoms than men, chest pain is still the number one warning sign for both sexes. “It’s important to say that we’re way more alike than we are different,” Hayes said. “The main symptom for men and women is some type of...
by Amanda Dyslin,Mayo Clinic Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Sweating, nausea, dizziness and unusual fatigue may not sound like typical heart attack symptoms. However, they are common for women and may occur more often when resting or asleep. ...
If you go to the hospital within one to two hours of the onset of symptoms of a heart attack, your chances of getting proper treatment are nearly 70 percent greater than those who wait 11 to 12 hours before seeking treatment, according to results presented today at the American Heart Associ...
Heart Attack Symptoms Both men and women have a wide range of symptoms ofheartattack. Knowing what they are and when to call 911 is something Dr. Hayes continues to stress to her patients. "(Symptoms may include) anytime there's chest pressure, pain or discomfort in the chest—it may be...