people who've had one may be at higher risk of another. While it's "unusual to have a heart attack and a stroke at the exact same time," Sallam says, "if you have one of these events, you increase your risk of having the other event happen in the future. ...
Awareness of heart attack and stroke symptoms among hispanic male adults living in the United States. J Immigrant Minor Health. 2010; 12 :761–8. doi: 10.1007/s10903-009-9250-y. [ Cross Ref ]Lutfiyya MN, Bardales R, Bales R, et al. Awareness of heart attack and stroke symptoms among...
Heart attack symptoms can be different from person to person or from one heart attack to another. Women and people assigned female at birth are more likely to have these heart attack symptoms: Unusual fatigue Shortness of breath Nausea or vomiting ...
Heart attack symptoms can be different from person to person or from one heart attack to another. Women and people assigned female at birth are more likely to have these heart attack symptoms: Unusual fatigue Shortness of breath Nausea or vomiting ...
Before someone experiences a heart attack, he could have symptoms of a heart attack that go away even without treatment. A narrowing of an artery leading to the heart muscle can cause what’s known asangina. Stroke Astrokeis also a blockage, usually a blood clot, in an artery that supplie... Christine and Alan’s Story You can listen to Geoff’s story about his experience of a heart attack. 08 Symptoms Do you know the symptoms of a stroke? Have you seen or heard the ...
Heart Attack Risk Factors A heart attack is most often caused by narrowing of the arteries by cholesterolplaque and their subsequent rupture. This is known as atheroscleroticheart disease(AHSD) or coronary artery disease(CAD). The risk factors for AHSD are the same as those forstroke(cerebrovasc...
T is for time and with a stroke time is of the essence. If you observe any of these symptoms seek medical help within four hours. In the case of an asthma attack, a whistling or wheezing sound may happen when breathing with a shortness of breath, chest congestion or tightness and they...
There is evidence that Hispanic men are a high risk group for treatment delay for both heart attack and stroke. More targeted research is needed to elucidate this specific population's knowledge of warning signs for these acute events. This study sought to describe within-group disparities in His...
Heart attack, death of a section of the muscle of the heart caused by an interruption of blood flow to the area. A heart attack results from obstruction of the coronary arteries. The most common cause is a blood clot that becomes lodged in an area of a c