As you come to the Bible with an open spirit, you'll be amazed at the ways in which God speaks to you and molds you into the character of Jesus Christ.Tremper LongmanLongman, Tremper, III. Reading the Bible with Heart and Mind. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1997....
I cannot plunge into the political and justice issues sparking the rage of these days. But perhaps we can take small steps to manage the anger that makes our own lives miserable. And that could have far-reaching effect. What does anger get us? When Sarah and I were in a season of grea...
HEAD 与MIND 的区别较微妙,前者指头脑,为需要逻辑思维的想法;后者为心智,多为感性的东西与HEART 较相近。如:You are always in my mind。 Use your head。实际上,MIND译成中文多为心。 如: I just say whatever in my mind。 我心里想什么,就说什么 MIND 与THOUGHT 的关系相当于容器与...
It’s a great way to energize them for the day and set their mind on God’s Word.It’s an amazing tool to hide God’s word in their hearts. I find myself memorizing Scripture too! How DoesSeeds Family WorshipHelp Your Family Love the Bible? When I first “met” Seeds Family Worshi...
9The heart is devious above all else; it is perverse— who can understand it? 10I theLordtest the mind and search the heart, to give to all according to their ways, according to the fruit of their doings. 耶利米书 17:9–10 — The Lexham English Bible (LEB) ...
Source: Mozarabic Collect for the Second Sunday in Advent Get your FREE copy of25 Days of Advent Devotionals and Readings! Print these and share them with family and friends to keep your mind's attention and heart's affection for Jesus this holiday season. ...
32The whole group of believers lived in harmony. No one called any of his possessions his own. Instead, they shared everything. 使徒行传 4:32 — The Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) 32Now the large group of those who believed were of one heart and mind, and no one said that an...
Denzel Hayes Washington Jr. is a renowned Hollywood actor and producer, known fo... (1898) Alexander Crummell, “The Attitude of the American Mind Toward the Negro Intellect,” ? Alexander Crummells remarkable career spanned much of the 19th Century. Befo... ...
“I was not good enough to be loved. I would never be good enough to be loved, and I was one mistake away from my husband walking away.” It had become a soundtrack of falsehood that played subconsciously, over and over in my mind. If my fear of making a simple mistake like not ...