LEC备考学习 | Hearsay Rule under FRE 804 美国《联邦证据规则》(Federal Rules of Evidence,FRE)于 1975 年生效,其中针对传闻证据(Hearsay Evidence)专章规定体现了其在证据体系中的重要地位。 传闻证据的基本原则 FRE第 802 条明确了传闻证据的基本原则,即一般情况下传闻证据是不可采纳的,除非本证据规则自身或者...
A Functional Analysis of Hearsay Rules; 传闻证据规则的功能性分析 更多例句>> 2) Discussion on the Hearsay Evidence Rule 论传闻证据规则 例句>> 3) general rule of general rule 传闻证据的一般规则 4) exceptional rule of hearsay evidence
Ohio, virtually all rules of evidence are exclusionary rules. The idea is to ferret out prior to admission potential evidence that is unreliable, impertinent, or not logically probative of a material issue. In the adversary system in the United States, the search for truth may be tortuous, ...
The rule against hearsay is one of the most important rules of evidence in the evidence law of Britain and U. 传闻证据规则是英美证据法中最重要的证据规则之一,它原则上要求在审判中排除传闻证据,证人证言须在法庭上接受检验,只有在符合法定的例外情形时才允许采纳庭外陈述。
The rule against hearsay is one of the most important rules of evidence in the evidence law of Britain and U. 传闻证据规则是英美证据法中最重要的证据规则之一,它原则上要求在审判中排除传闻证据,证人证言须在法庭上接受检验,只有在符合法定的例外情形时才允许采纳庭外陈述。
HearsayRules and the Criminal Procedure of China; 传闻证据规则与我国刑事诉讼 2. The rule against hearsay is one of the most important rules of evidence in the evidence law of Britain and U. 传闻证据规则是英美证据法中最重要的证据规则之一,它原则上要求在审判中排除传闻证据,证人证言须在法庭上接...
It is the job of the judge or jury in a court proceeding to determine whether evidence offered as proof is credible. Three evidentiary rules help the judge or jury make this determination: (1) Before being allowed to testify, a witness generally must swear or affirm that his or her testimo...
2. As a general rule, hearsay evidence of a fact is not admissible. If any fact is to be substantiated against a person, it ought to be proved in his presence by the testimony of a witness sworn or affirmed to speak the truth. ...
1. evidenceUJUR: evidence(gen)(proof) preuvesfpl(thatque,of,forde,againstcontre) apieceofevidence unepreuve insufficientevidence preuvesinsuffisantes evidencetosupport/showsth preuvesquiappuient/démontrentqc thereisevidencetosuggestthat… ily adebonnesraisonsdepenserque… ...