NEXT GENERATION COMMS & HEARING PROTECTION Safariland® offers high-performance, custom communication headsets, audio solutions, and commercial off-the-shelf communications products to the law enforcement, military, firefighting and personal protec
NEXT GENERATION COMMS & HEARING PROTECTION Safariland® offers high-performance, custom communication headsets, audio solutions, and commercial off-the-shelf communications products to the law enforcement, military, firefighting and personal protec
NoizeBarrier™ TAC Headset is the choice of warfighters in need of maximum tactical hearing protection with full communications capabilities. The versatile headset can be configured to meet a wide variety of comms needs, ranging from single radio and push-to-talk (PTT) ...
Driver Comms by Ultimate Ear is an advanced custom made hearing protection system with communications for Motorsport, used by F1 Racing drivers, Le Mans drivers and Rally teams. The highest CE certified custom made motorsport earpieces on the market, offering 31dB of hearing protection. Please ...
The Liberator® HP headset is the next generation in electronic hearing protection, offering crisp, clear audio in a durable, scratch-resistant, slim earcup. The Liberator HP provides enhanced hearing protection in all environments, including those with impulse/gunfire noise and high-decibel, consta...
Credit: Rice University UNSW researchers have answered the longstanding question of how the brain balances hearing between our ears, which is essential for localising sound, hearing in noisy conditions and for protection from noise damage. The landmark animal study also provides new insight intohearing...
Epigenetic regulation in the inner ear and its potential roles in development, protection, and regeneration. Front Cell Neurosci. 2015 Jan 7;8:446.10.3389/fncel.2014.00446Search in Google Scholar PubMed PubMed Central [72] Nagalski A, Puelles L, Dabrowski M, Wegierski T, Kuznicki J, ...
“Our hearing protection has an industrial focus – particularly in the aviation, construction, oil and gas, and military industries in countries where value is placed on health and safety. “Geographically, we primarily target the US, UK and Irish markets.” ...
“Pompeo said the 30,000 cap ‘must be consideredin the context of the many other forms of protection and assistance offered by the United States’ and should not be ‘sole barometer’ to measure the country’s humanitarian efforts. ... When Trump took office, the refugee cap stood at 110...