respectively. For smaller custom hearing aids, it has recently added its new Virto Infinio, which includes a rechargeable wireless in-the-canal (ITC) device, and the smaller non-wireless size 10 battery-
A hearing assistance system for hearing aids having an earpiece worn in or at the ear and a storage container by using a microphone, a processor, an antenna unit, a power supply unit with a rechargeable battery that is being recharged when placed in the storage container by electromagnetic ...
Need help? Watch these short hearing aid video tutorials. Watch videos ReSound hearing aids enable you to stream from virtually any audio source. Compatibility Need personal assistance? Find a hearing care professional in your area. Hearing care professionals...
Your hearing level and your individual activity level are both significant factors in determining what kind of hearing assistance is right for you. At Georgia Hearing Aid Outlet, we will check your hearing for free and explain your results in terms you can understand. Depending on your lifestyle...
Look around at the electronic devices you have surrounding you. The majority of them likely use Bluetooth. So, why shouldn't your hearing aids benefit from this advanced technology? The beauty of bluetooth is its power to connect you – with your phone, your TV or even your loved ones. Bl...
“OTC hearing aids are definitely for a specific patient: Tech savvy, independent, and they present with mild to moderate hearing loss,” says Dr. Matyko. “Most of our patients need hands-on training, care, programming, maintenance, and all-around assistance with hearing aids.” Read more:...
Assistance at your convenience. Book An Appointment Now Hearing Aids BEHIND THE EAR See Products INVISIBLE - CUSTOM See Products RECEIVER IN CANAL See Products COMPLETELY IN CANAL - CUSTOM See Products IN THE EAR - CUSTOM See Products HEARING AID ACCESSORIES ...
Hearing aid technology has come a long way from the big, bulky hearing devices of the past that often had cords hanging from them. Today, they are discreet, comfortable and offer a variety of features, allowing you to adjust your hearing devices for different environments, like a dinner party...
don't necessarily want to wear a hearing aid all day, regardless of their comfort or lack of visibility. We only want/need hearing assistance in specific situations, mostly when we need to hear and comprehend voices – when talking to people, watching TV, or attending concerts, for example....
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