With Amplifon, rediscover the pleasure of hearing thanks to innovative and discreet hearing aids. Schedule a hearing test and meet the hearing experts at our clinics across Canada.
With Amplifon, rediscover the pleasure of hearing thanks to innovative and discreet hearing aids. Schedule a hearing test and meet the hearing experts at our clinics across Canada.
Your new HearClear HCR3 hearing aids work at a fraction of the cost of name - brand hearing aids, and you won’t have to keep changing the batteries! You will love the comfortable and lightweight Open - fit design. The HCR3 is pre-programmed for most moderate to significant hearing ...
While most sight-related sleep advice is focused on what you shouldn't be looking at, there is a proactive way to use your sense of sight that aids relaxation and encourages sleep. “Guided imagery is a wonderful technique to help bring on sleep," says Robert S. Rosenberg, MD, a physici...
While most sight-related sleep advice is focused on what you shouldn't be looking at, there is a proactive way to use your sense of sight that aids relaxation and encourages sleep. “Guided imagery is a wonderful technique to help bring on sleep," says Robert S. Rosenberg, MD, a physici...