"My father broke one of his hearing aids. Maybe it just broke, it's hard to tell. The folks where he bought it said it would take at least two weeks to fix it, so we gambled and took his hearing..." Mike A. United States›Texas›Mansfield›Livingston Hearing Aid Center ...
SoundWorks Hearing Centers Hearing Aid Center in Texas has hearing specialists that can fit the perfect hearing aids for your lifestyle. Schedule a hearing test today!
Carl W. Hearing aids Livingston Hearing Aid Center 2 "I highly recommend this office and Dr. Voss. My husband was recently fitted for hearing aids. He is 54 years old and was nervous about several things. He wondered how obvious they would be and how..." Alena S. Hearing aids, Hearing...
1,2 As a way to improve access and reduce cost of hearing health care (HHC), leading reports have advocated the institution of over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids.3,4 These reports are a response to consistent demonstration of gross underuse of HHC in general and hearing aids in ...