Coastal Hearing Aid Center offers expert hearing care, hearing aids, and personalized solutions for hearing health in Escondido, CA.
Lacking any obvious postnatal diseases or treatments with potential impact on hearing, the hearing loss was considered congenital and the patient received bilateral hearing aids. He developed speech in two to three word sentences at the age of 3 years, but articulation was insufficient. At the age...
A detailed medical history was also collected, including degree of hearing loss, age at onset, evolution of hearing impairment, use of hearing aids, presence of tinnitus, medication, noise exposure, pathologic changes in the ear, and other relevant clinical manifestations. Thirty-eight probands ...
Matsunaga T, Hirota E, Bito S, Niimi S, Usami S: Clinical course of hearing and language development in GJB2 and non-GJB2 deafness following habilitation with hearing aids. Audiol Neurootol. 2006, 11: 59-68. 10.1159/000089607. Article PubMed Google Scholar Matsunaga T, Kumanomido H, Sh...