如何在线上快速进行heap dump(内存)、应用内存使用量、应用最大内存可用量进行读取和数据分析 应用可能在发生卡顿、丢帧、或者评估应用运行状态时,可以通过hidebug接口获取资源数据,检……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
public static void dumpHeap(String filePath, boolean live) throws IOException { MBeanServer server = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer(); HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean mxBean = ManagementFactory.newPlatformMXBeanProxy( server, "com.sun.management:type=HotSpotDiagnostic", HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean.class); ...
=b,file=heapdump.hprofPid 生成文件heapdump.hprof; deadlock:死锁; Runnable:执行中; Waiting on condition:等待资源...heapdump.hprof文件有专门的一个分析软件;可以看到那个进程所占项目比例较大,就可以快速判断;需要这个的可以留言邮箱;互相学习 使用淘宝连接Druid出现的BUG解决 ...
appt r[emove] [-v] file.{zip,jar,apk} file1 [file2 ...] Delete specified files from Zip-cpmpatible archive.这是指定移出来自归档的某个文件 appt a[dd] [-v] file.{zip,jar,apk} file1 [file2 ...] Add specified files to Zip-compatible archive.指定某归档进行添加文件 aapt c[run...
1:可以参考使用IBM HeapAnalyzer工具,下载ha457.jar直接在本地执行 java -Xmx2g -jar ha*.jar 指令即可。通过Analysis view 可以分析看到dump文件中目前存在的大对象。 但IBM HeapAnalyzer工具在官网上描述已不在进行维护开发,建议我们结合使用EclipseMemory Analyzer Tool (MAT) 与 IBM DTFJ Extension。参考:IBM Heap...
dump format. Simply ensure that the operating system core dump file ends with the.dmpsuffix for visibility in the MAT Open Heap Dump selection. It is also common to zip core dumps because they are so large and compress very well. If a core dump is compressed with.zip, the IBM DTFJ ...
In this, HotSpotDiagnostic MBean is used that generates a dumpHeap technique that permits 2 parameters. They are: outputFile, which is the file path for the created dump. Make sure that the file should have an extension hprof. live, which is similar to the one in jmap. Objects with acti...
outputFile It is a path of an output file for dump; this file must have a .hprof extension to hold dump. live If we set it to true, it will only dump the active objects in memory, as we learned while using jmap in this tutorial. We can invoke it in two ways to capture a heap...
General Extension Commands General Extension Commands !acl !address !analyze !asd !atom !bitcount !blackboxbsd !blackboxscm !chksym !chkimg !cppexr !cpuid !cs !cxr !dh !dlls !dml_proc !dumpfa !envvar !error !exchain !exr !findxmldata !for_each_frame !for_each_function !for_each_loc...
jhat[ options ]heap-dump-file 参数: options 可选命令行参数,请参考下面的Options heap-dump-file 要查看的二进制Java堆转储文件(Java binary heap dump file)。 如果某个转储文件中包含了多份 heap dumps, 可在文件名之后加上#<number>的方式指定解析哪一个 dump, 如:myfile.hprof#3 ...