System.SupportProxy = SysStd; /* Modules explicitly used in the application */ var MessageQ = xdc.useModule('ti.sdo.ipc.MessageQ'); var Ipc = xdc.useModule('ti.sdo.ipc.Ipc'); var HeapBufMP = xdc.useModule('ti.sdo.ipc.heaps.HeapBufMP'); var MultiProc = xdc.useModule('ti.sdo....
是否可以通过ApplicationContext启动UIAbility 如何实现设备内跨应用的UIAbility跳转 使用hdc命令安装release HAP包到设备时上报“INSTALL_FAILED_APP_SOURCE_NOT_TRUSTED”错误 如何通过路由跳转到一个只有页面没有UIAbility的模块 如何查询应用包的名称、供应商、版本号、版本文本、安装时间、更新时间描述信息 如何在...
Application server fails and exits Error in log: Raw ERROR [stderr] (Session pool worker) Exception in thread "Session pool worker" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space ERROR [stderr] (default Accept) Exception in thread "default Accept" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space ...
原因参考gprof, Valgrind and gperftools - an evaluation of some tools for application level CPU profiling on Linux - Gernot.Klingler。 Heap Profiling in Go 大部分读者应该对 Go 会更加熟悉一些,因此我们以 Go 为起点和基底来进行调研。 注:如果一个概念我们在靠前的小节讲过了,后边的小节则不再赘述,即...
After you open many application windows in Windows, you may be unable to open any additional windows. A window may open sometimes, but it won't contain the expected components. Additionally, you receive an error message that resembles: Out of Memory Cause This problem occurs beca...
注:诸如 GNU gprof 、 Valgrind 等工具的使用场景与我们的目的场景不匹配,因此本文不会展开。原因参考 gprof, Valgrind and gperftools - an evaluation of some tools for application level CPU profiling on Linux - Gernot.Klingler 。 Heap Profiling in Go ...
Log in to the HDFS client as userroot.Runcdto switch to the client installation directory, and runsource bigdata_env. If the cluster uses the security mode, perform security authentication. Run thekinit hdfscommand and enter the password as prompted. Obtain the password from the administrator....
Learn more about the Dynamics.AX.Application.HeapCheck.checkHeapDif in the Dynamics.AX.Application namespace.
If an application does not depend on user32.dll, it does not consume desktop heap. Let’s walk through a simple example of how an application can use desktop heap.1. An application needs to create a window, so it calls CreateWindowEx in user32.dll.2. User32.dll makes a system call ...
Effective troubleshooting is critical to ensure you can fix issues in production environments and keep your business online. Azure Spring Apps provides application log streaming and query, rich metrics emitting, alerts, distributed tracing, and so forth. However, when you get alerts about requests ...