Sexual desire is typically higher in men than in women, with testosterone (T) thought to account for this difference as well as within-sex variation in desire in both women and men. However, few studies have incorporated both hormonal and social or psychological factors in studies of sexual de...
Testosterone is a hormone primarily produced in male testicles and in women’s ovaries and adrenal glands. This hormone is necessary for bone development, fat distribution, and the regulation of a man’s libido. For women, testosterone comes in much smaller amounts. Testosterone production increases...
Testosterone: The Basics January 11, 2021 Testosterone is the male sex hormone and affects many of the body’s different processes. Both men and women have testosterone, but in women it is produced in smaller amounts. Here are some basic pieces of information about this hormone and how it ...
IS TESTOSTERONE A FACTOR? Testosterone levels in male fans rise markedly after a victory but drop just as sharply after a defeat. Apparently the same pattern has been documented in male animals who fight over a female. Biologists think that the human animal may have evolved this way to end c...
Serotonin (5-HT) and testosterone (T) have both been implicated in the regulation of aggression. Findings in humans however are very inconclusive, with respect to main effects of either system. Animal models implicate T to modulate 5-HT system activity, and furthermore have shown behaviorally re...
Testosterone, a steroid hormone, is well known to contribute to aggressive behavior in males, but the neural circuits through which testosterone exerts these effects have not been clear.
Anavar is one of the best steroids for those looking to get stronger apart from just increasing in size. Another important benefit that Anavar offers is itsreduced side effects for women. To enjoy synergistic effects of Anavar, men will have to pair their Anavar with testosterone or other anabo...
High plasma testosterone levels have been associated with aggression, sexual behaviour and social status. The aim of this paper was to study the correlation between basal plasma testosterone levels and personality variables in healthy participants. Fifty-four participants were randomly enrolled into this ...
IS TESTOSTERONE A FACTOR? Testosterone levels in male fans rise markedly after a victory but drop just as sharply after a defeat. Apparently the same pattern has been documented in male animals who fight over a female. Biologists think that the human animal may have evolved this way to end ...
Well, it didn't have to happen. Sure, men experience a drop in levels of the sex hormonetestosteroneas they age. Many a man finds that they're no longer the young buck, bed-wise, that they were in their randy youth. But if you're worried that your sexual life is headed off into...