DEXA dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, OGTT oral glucose tolerance test, PA physical activity, REE resting energy expenditure Full size image Following the DEXA scan, participants’ REE was measured using a Moxus Modular Metabolic system (AEI Technologies, IL, USA). Participants were required to ...
First, resting state patterns – called resting state networks or RSNs – arise from highly correlated activity within anatom- ical regions that together form meaningful functional neural systems (i.e. visual processing, memory and attention, among others)4. Second, intrinsic brain activity correlates...
Now what? Most people think it’s a good idea to work out your resting metabolic rate (or RMR) – how many calories you burn when you’re resting in front of Netflix. Forget about calculating RMR (it’s likely inaccurate anyway). Track what you eat for a week by logging in a ...
Resting state To assess intrinsic (passive) aspects of neural connectivity, T2*-weighted fMRI data are acquired while participants rest with their eyes shut using a Gradient-Echo Echo-Planar Imaging (EPI) sequence. A total of 261 volumes are acquired, each containing 32 axial slices (acquired in...
BP was measured after five minutes resting, with the participant sitting with their left arm supported at heart level. Care was taken to use an appropriate size cuff bladder. Everyone tested was given his or her BP measurement recorded on an information leaflet about BP specifically designed ...
(a) the amount of time a participant may stay inside the scanner is limited; (b) fMRI experimental designs must include inter-trial resting periods so that the response relative to baseline can be decoded. Due to these time-related reasons, even though we employed 30 stimuli per condition ...
(Fig.2). This was quantified by calculating the level of cardiac noise as the average ratio, in decibels, between the peak value of segments with and without cardiac noise. This ratio was calculated for the expiratory phases of resting breathing and the final load of all RMS and fSampEn ...
mood, we report reductions in markers of physiological stress (heart rate, blood pressure and salivary cortisol) following both walks. This is consistent with the meta-analyses and longitudinal investigations that argue chronic physical activity decreases resting heart rate and blood pressure [61,62,...
Weight gain is common after BC diagnosis, and weight gain during treatment decreases the survival rate and increases the risk of recurrence [2,32]. Multiple mechanisms occur and contribute to weight gain and fat accumulation, including physical inactivity, decreased resting metabolic rate, overeating,...
Upon arrival on day 1, participants were rested in a recumbent position for 10 min prior to assessment of resting blood pressure and heart rate (Omron 705CP, Kyoto, Japan); after which venous whole blood was collected by a qualified phlebotomist into triplicate 4 mL Vacuette™ K2EDTA tubes...