Healthy people 2010 final review. Hyattsville (MD): National Center for Health Statistics; 2012. Accessed April 4, 2013.U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2012). Healthy peo- ple 2010 final review. Retrieved ...
In 2020, more than 45,000 people bet on their weight loss and won. Even celebrities like Sherri Shepherd are getting in on the action, winning $1,300 for hitting her weight loss goal. HealthyWage Alternatives HealthyWage isn’t the only weight loss betting website that can earn people mon...
As we studied Australia’s legislation closely, we concluded that there was no foundation for the fear that people would have to “pay per link” to use the internet. This was confirmed explicitly when the final legislation affirmed explicitly what was apparent to us as s...
The “bargain” was Ridgway plead guilty and confess, after months of 14 hour a day interrogations, and the abuse which is routine to beat these “free will confessions” out of people, and in return for his “free will confessions,” he would escape the death penalty and instead spend h...
indicating that the implementation of HC2030 has improved the mental well-being of residents and thus contributed to people’s health improvement. In summary, Physical and Mental have a mediating role, HC2030 has enhanced the health of individuals through the improvement of both their physical and...
A final step in the food observation protocol was having a registered dietitian who was one of the trained observers review and verify the accurate coding of food group and serving size for every item from every food record. Data from the verified food records were used to measure parents’ ...
Endemic status of schistosomiasis in People’s Republic of China in 2019. Zhongguo Xue Xi Chong Bing Fang Zhi Za Zhi. 2020;32(6):551–8 (in Chinese). CAS Google Scholar Zheng Y, Chang Q, Yip PSF. Understanding the increase in life expectancy in Hong Kong: contributions of changes in...
As people are more likely to try food based on recommendations from friends than website advertisements, using information about people's trust can improve the accuracy of recommender systems. Moreover, users’ trust statements can be incorporated into trust-based recommender systems, particularly when...
We aimed to assess the impact of osteoarthritis on healthy working life expectancy (HWLE) by comparing HWLE for people with and without osteoarthritis from ages 50 and 65 nationally and in a local area in England. Mortality-linked data for adults aged ≥ 50 years were used from six ...
(Publ. of the All-Union Inst. of Appl. Botany and New Cultures under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, 1930). EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA). Scientific opinion on the substantiation of a health claim related to oat β-glucan and lowering ...