You might always pack a lunch for your child, but if you hit the drive-through on a regular basis, your pocketbook, as well as your teeth, are probably taking a beating. Take a cue from your kids and bring healthy packed lunches to work so that you have control over what...
Here are some tips for making healthy lunches, and some ideas for the best ones to try. Preparing to Pack a Healthy Lunch Mayo Clinic says to include a range of food groups in your meal to maximize your energy. Fruit, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats are all ...
This is another critical food category that must be included in the school packed lunches. Make sure that a small portion of protein-rich food is included in your kid’s lunch box. A small amount of meat, fish, or simply an egg can be sufficient. Make a sandwich or prepare a protein ...
It’s much easier to pack a healthy lunchbox when you’re not in a rush or simultaneously trying to prepare breakfast, get dressed, sign permission slips or locate lost schoolbooks. Meal prep is always going to be a lifesaver and lunches are no different. Since many lunches are cold, it...
Give your lunch a makeover with these easy-to-prep, affordable healthy lunch ideas that give you a ton of nutritional bang for your buck.
Tips for packing healthy school lunches It’s that time of year again: Time to rethink how you pack your child’s school lunch. Having an unbalanced lunch and snacks can affect concentration, energy and mood throughout the day. A healthy lunch every day may seem daunting, but with a few...
That’s not to say you can’t pack a cookie as a treat, but like with a lot of things, moderation is key. Many foods and drinks already have added sugar, so kids don’t need extra. Things like soda don’t have any nutritional value either. The best healthy and easy lunches to ...
Doing the above really helps lunch come together in no time and it makes my dinner prep easier because I am not spending as much time on lunches. When I don’t do this prep, I always feel more frazzled and disorganized. I challenge you to take a step forward toward meal prep each and...
Shirley - Yes, this chart would be great for adults too, I had not thought of that. It gives a nice visual on how to put a meal together. Thanks! Tiff - I think it is great that you are packing lunches together and that your children are having fun using it, thanks so much for...
Back to school also means back to lunch box filling! These days, more and more schools are banning certain foods in lunch boxes which often means we as mums are struggling to find healthy lunch box ideas to pack! However, preparing nutritionally balanced healthy lunches that your kids will ...