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Healthy Care 护肝片100粒 ¥109.15节省¥0.00 参考到手价:¥137.30(运费:¥8.5 服务费:¥19.65) 现价(澳元):$20.99原价(澳元):$20.99折扣率:0% 温馨提示:参考到手价=商品采购价格+运费分摊+跑腿费 奶粉运费:普通快递:罐装奶粉,【20】澳元/3罐奶粉,西藏、新疆等边远地区,【21】澳元/3罐。
外文名称:Healthy Care Liver Detox Cap X 100 条形码:9316254892690 温馨提示WARM PROMPT 本品为膳食补充剂(营养素补充剂),不能替代药物。 产品介绍PRODUCT INTRODUCTION Healthy Care 天然水飞蓟精华肝脏排毒护理胶囊富含水飞蓟,牛磺酸,肌醇等天然有机草本植物精华,其水飞蓟精华是一种抗氧化剂和自由基清除剂,有助...
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GO LIVER DETOX is a 1-A-Day formula designed specifically to support the liver and aid detoxification. The formula provides a specific blend of key herbs that are renowned for their liver, digestive and antioxidant properties. The liver works hard to detoxify and protect the body from things ...
Liver detoxification supports the liver’s natural ability to remove toxins from your body, prevents liver disease and improves your overall health. So, let’s explore the importance of thebest liver detoxand provide some tips to keep your liver healthy so you will feel your best every day. ...
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