35 The responses provided a subjective assessment of the difficulties the child had in falling and staying asleep (disturbance) and daytime sleepiness and the effects on functioning (impairment). Questionnaire items referred to occurrences over the past week and used 5 frequency response options: ...
This difference in the experience of adverse effects could impact participants’ willingness to continue with the training and their overall assessment of its efficacy [63]. In our study, participants were asked about their use of new technologies and to what extent they engaged with them during ...
two-day observations of the FCCH and children’s dietary intake as well as accelerometer and anthropometric measurements of children. After the baseline assessment, FCCH are randomized in matched pairs into either the nutrition and physical activity Intervention group or a Comparison group that...
Research has shown that the elderly who live in their own homes and are able to look after most matters in their daily lives typically have a higher quality of life than those who require constant assistance [12,46]. The assessment and improvement of the housing environment of the elderly ...
This precluded the accurate assessment of the effects on the subjects’ pulmonary function by the changes in indoor pollutant levels that resulted from air purification. The strength of the present study is that it recruited only healthy individuals and not patients with respiratory disorders. This ...