4 foods and supplements to help you have a healthy gut The food you eat can have a significant impact on your gut bacteria diversity. In general, high intakes of animal proteins, saturated fats, sugar and salt can create an environment in which pathogenic bacteria thrives....
due to unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle, the balance of gut bacteria can get disrupted, leading to various digestive issues. In such cases, taking probiotic supplements can help restore the healthy balance of gut bacteria. In this article, we...
Beneficial Gut Bacteria and Immunity: Are You Protected? Inside your intestinal tract live countless trillions of diverse microorganisms that help you properly digest food and protect your body against harmful bacteria. This beneficial bacterial “ecosystem,” so to speak, is often referred to in the...
Probiotic microbial strains cannot flourish in your gut without continued supplementation, so a daily dose is recommended. Fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir and Greek yogurt naturally contain higher levels of healing probiotic bacteria than supplements, making these great op...
psychology psychologytoday gut immune system basic foods eating dietary microbiomes gut microbiome vagus nerve micro biome vagus microbiomes leaky gut
The Gut: Where Bacteria and Immune System Meet.https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/research/advancements-in-research/fundamentals/in-depth/the-gut-where-bacteria-and-immune-system-meet The role of the gut microbiome in the healthy adult status.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0009898...
Promoting the healthy heart Regulating the blood sugar levels Lowering the cholesterol Boosting satiety feeling so that weight loss programs are more effective Promoting the healthy gut bacteria Promoting a good intestinal health If you want to increase fiber intake, here are some simple tips to remem...
Likewise, you should feed your probiotic bacteria with a prebiotic fiber; prebiotic supplements containing acacia fiber and inulin are exactly what your good bacteria need to maintain good gut health. Inulin is a soluble plant fiber that cannot be digested by your small intestine. Rather, it trave...
The “live active cultures”, or probiotics which can be found in yogurt are healthy bacteria that keep the intestinal and gut tract free of the germs which causedisease. Although they are available in the form of supplement, a research conducted in the University of Vienna, Austria discovered...
Dietary fiber is a good example of a prebiotic, which is defined as a non-digestiblefoodingredient that can stimulate the growth of good bacteriain the colon. As the main food source of your gut microbes, it is important to consume enough if you want your microbiome to flourish. Government...